Shelley Duvall?

I read on the board for Shelley Duvall that she is in this film playing a minor character as someone who runs an animal retreat. Can anyone verify this as I am quite curious as to where my favourite actress has disappeared too? Haha, thanks in advance guys!

"Words of wisdom, Lloyd. Words - of - wisdom."
-- Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in THE SHINING


I just watched the movie and you don't really see that woman's face (the one who runs Paradise Farm), but thinking about it I suppose it could be her. I mean surely if it's listed on imdb then it's got to be true....I guess. :)


The woman who ran "Paradise Farm" looked too young to Shelley Duvall and I don't think she had Duvall's distinctive voice.


That wasn't Shelley on the farm, but it should have been. That would have been great casting!
