what a mess... and I thought I would love it
This movie was a huge disappointment. I'm a big fan of indie-comedies, dark comedies, cynical comedies -- stuff like ELECTION, SIDEWAYS, RUSHMORE, CHUCK & BUCK, Cohen Bros Movies, even Napolean Dynamite -- but this movie -- which I went in with a lot of good will -- had no idea what it wanted to be.
The characters are all cartoonish and unlikable, not particularly realistic, irritating -- this includes Molly SHannon in the lead who is likeable at first and then begins to grate.
The film takes an uneasy tone shift near the last 1/2 hr and becomes some sort of ONE HOUR PHOTO-esque character study. The humor is drained from the film and we're left with a disturbing look at someone we no longer care about.
Dog lovers and animal rights activists will be rather confused as to the writer/director's view of either faction -- the filmmaker seems to fall under both catagories in real life but has such contempt for his characters that's its hard to tell what point he is trying to get across.
Boy, I don't even think I have the energy to go into more detail about the flaws of this film. I appreciate its ambition but it failed completely for me.
Anyone else see it?
I'm amazed at all the positive reviews. I think critics are reviewing the film's pedigree (A-list character actors, acclaimed writer-director) and not the film itself.