I miss this show.

I used to always enjoy watching it every week. There were so many interesting mysteries. I was looking forward to finding out all of the answers. In a way it was also a super hero movie due to the abilities Kyle (and later Jessie) had. I wish it hadn't gone off the air when it did. I wonder what all of the actors are up to these days, I never see anyone from this in other things.


This was one of the first shows I ever followed. I was only 13 when it started!

I didn't have Internet yet and didn't know of many shows on other channels. I only watched the three, Nick, Disney and ABCfamily. We've had onDemand and DVR for quite a few years though, so I used that, but this was the first show I ever started watching and continued to the end. Now, 20, with Internet, I watch so many shows!

I miss it too. They ended it at the worst time. This amazing show lasted 43 episodes but Secret Life lasted over a hundred. WTH!


Matt Dallas(Kyle) and Jean-Luc Bilodeau (Josh) are both in Baby Daddy series now. check it out! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2177489/


Kyle and Josh have a baby? I didn't see that coming, holy cow!


I am in love with the series, I wanted to see more about what Kyle is and what happens to him and all the other characters. It ticks me off that the show ends the way it is. Couldn't they wrap it up better then just leave us hanging.
