I am so angry

I know there are already threads about that but... still...... The show ends in the middle of something with many many lose ends and I think that, whatever the reasons, it's insulting for the viewers. I am really disappointed because I loved the show and it was coming to something really interesting and... poof!.... it stopped. I should not have watched it in the first place because my disappointment keeps growing and I have so many unanswered questions... It's not nice for us, the public.

The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. R.W.Emerson


It's typical ABC I'm so tired of them akways spoiling a series


Is there a script that's floating around out there? I still want to know where the story goes. Were there any unaired episodes that were filmed? A way to watch them?

Im over watching abc series.


No scripts, no unaired episodes. The season was supposed to end on a cliffhanger to lead into the 4th (final) season, but the network canceled it AFTER they finished filming the last episode, wouldn't let them go back and reshoot to tie things up.

In the lame excuse for a supposed "wrap-up" on the DVD no answers were given, just vague ideas of what they had "though" about doing, but not even ideas they were even sure if they wanted to use, mostly "maybe, or what ifs". They hadn't even sat down to block out the final season, just knew it would start off after Kyle found out who Casedy was, and the idea that maybe Kyle's bio-mom would play a large role in the group - possibly controlling Casedy.

Bobby: "You don't shoot Bambi, jacka$$. You shoot Bambi's mother."


Are these 2 posts the interviews you speak of?

