MovieChat Forums > Kyle XY (2006) Discussion > Netflix revival possible?

Netflix revival possible?

Just wondering, would it be possible to bring Kyle XY back for another season through Netflix, similar to what happened to Arrested Development?


I can't believe how they left their viewers hanging with the show's abrupt cancelation after a shortened 10 episode season 3.

I understand when a network decides to pull the plug on a series at any point during its pilot season. However, from a public relations standpoint, it would be in a network's best interest to assure viewers they will produce a conclusion for any series that makes its way to a 2nd season and beyond.

I'd be a lot more inclined to watch newer shows on a station that publically acknowledged they'd make it a point to conclude their shows. After a fan has watched a series for 2+ seasons, I've always felt like it was a bad move to end a show at a critical point in the story only to leave their viewers wondering how the story may have played out. If I were calling the shots for a network, I'd do everything I could not to leave my viewers soured over a cancellation that I could have at least arranged to properly conclude. Even if the decision to cancel was unexpected and happened over a mid-season break, if it means keeping viewers happy, it would be worth the cost to arrange for a mini-series type of ending to wind things down or a special 2 hour movie at the very least...

I'm reluctant to even start watching newer shows, especially if they are produced by a network notorious for cancelling things on a whim. Now that more and more cable networks are generating enough revenue to produce shows that are often better than those on nationally aired network TV, and web-based companies are beginning to enter into the picture, I would think it would be more important than ever to keep your viewers happy.

I just finished watching Kyle XY on Netflix...sounds like you may have too? I ended up liking it more than I expected and was surprised to see it end like that. I won't say anything in case you haven't gotten through the final 10 episodes in season 3 yet, but I was kind of mad by the way they just ended the series with so much going on and loose ends all over the place. At the very least, they should have wrapped it up with a special 2 hour movie for all the fans who spent time watching it for 3 seasons.

Ever since Netflix saved Arrested Development, people are understandably holding out hope that Netflix might pick up a series they wish was still on; it sucks, but I know that Kyle XY won't be one of them. Arrested Development had developed quite a cult of followers and had a much larger fan-base along with a 9.3/10 rating from over 160,000 users on here. Kyle XY has never garnered anything near that level of interest; financially, it just wouldn't make sense for them to pick up.


We just start watching this on Netflix and are a couple episodes into season 2. I was wondering why season 3 only showed 10 episodes and came here to find out. This just sucks, I was really enjoying the show. Nothing more that burns me up in TV is a show that gets cancelled after a few season and not wrapped up. This was happening to so many of our favorite shows that we cancelled our cable and just watch hulu, Netflix and iTunes on an Apple TV.
Finish what you start if you expect viewers to watch after one season!


Kyle XY simply isn't good enough to warrant Netflix's attention.


I wish, I just started watching this show at the first of Jan. on Netflix streaming and absolutely love the show, it does suck that it was cancelled. Netflix took it off streaming before I could get to season 3 so I had to rent the discs, it had a 12 minute interview telling where they were going for season four, it helped a little but I would have rather seen a fourth season, loved all the actors. Its funny at first I hated Jessie but by the middle of the third season I so wanted herand Kyle together.

