I love this show
In fact, I liked it so much I had to come here to the board to just tell that.
I been thinking why I love this show so much, and I found some truths. The simple reasons for loving any tv show is timing. And the timing in my life at which I started looking at this (a week ago) show on Netflix was crucial, and mostly in no interest to any kind of family drama. But I'm in that state of life of searching for it and its here. The family drama created in the show is mostly perfect in execution. I like all characters, even the ones I hate in this show, and I would like to think that is how it was intended. Nobody is in reality perfect and this show likes to do its best to portray that, realistically or not. Don't get me wrong, this is soap opera to some extent, but its done with so much heart, it often feels like real life responses, or at least how it should be. I find my self just adding the warmth of this show to its other qualities.
Is this show perfect? No, the quality is horrible at times and some characters is very wooden, or horrible acted. But the over all quality they managed on what feels like a tight budget is pleasing.
Its been awhile since I felt that a TV show ending felt like the most horrible things happening in my life, but I'm at that road completely. So from the bottom of my heart, I never wanted to stop watch this show, and finding out it was closed really hurt.
So do you think you will like it? I cant tell, but if your prepared to follow a regular "how it should be family soap drama with sci-fi elements distorting it" all, and some humor where needed, your in for a treat, and maybe will n the end, really feel heart broken when it ends.
Thnx to anybody remotely involved in the making of this show, from the bottom of my heart. Now I'm going to watch the 2 last episodes.