No wonder it was discontinued
1. They changed the show from general to teen. Total disaster!
2. Too many things are scientifically undooable, among them:
a. Getting the human eye to see colors outside the frequency the eye can work with, that can't be done with brain capacity.
b. A computer can not do anything in 1 pico second, the frequency of the CPU isn't high enough and neither the bandwidth and speed of the memory.
c. A speaker can not tansmit frequencies in the range the show shows, unless specifically made for it, at an insane cost, and probably with technology that isn't available yet.
d. A record can not contain background information in the audible range, or any other for that matter, and it can certainly not be transferred using an ordinary pick-up (remember quadrophony, anyone?).
e. Whatever your brains capacity, certain things are physically impossible, like your fingers moving fast enough to punch in millions of codes in a few minutes, the joints would dissconnect and the bones would break, because of the gravity. And, without any knoweledge, I don't think the muscles can contract fast enough.
f. Two "new borns" can not evolve into teenagers (well, they programmed Jessie, amazing beyond belief btw) in a few weeks.
3. Parents that are so dense they can't see the simplest of signs without beeing spoon fed (hospital bill, among others).
4. Kids, or basically anyone, that are too dense to understand the most basic of human emotins or social behaviour (can't pinpoint, but there were several, and it's not about Kyle or Jessie).
5. Jessie should never have been brought into the show, it made the show more complicated than it needed to be, and you don't want that for a show that doesn't specifically target that type of audience (happend to several shows I've seen).
6. The show was repetetive, no real progress.
a. Season 1 was ok, but why the need to reinvent enemies?
b. Season 2 should have been the brilliance of Kyle, finishing High School with incredible results (we saw it in him solving the unsolvable when he visited the school the first time).
c. Season 3 should have been about Kyle entering colege, continuing to amaze people.
7. The clothes of those teenagers, do they really wear clothes that make even the slimmest look like overweight hamburgereating monsters?
8. You leave high school at 18, right? Are they trying to be role models for other kids? Not having sex at that age? Sure, some will want to save their virginity (you know that oral sex seems to be ok with those teens? Talk about not understanding basics heheh.), but... And didn't 2 of them decide to re-virginize? I would expect them to continue having sex, if you've had sex once, why would you stop? It's experimenting, at that age at least.
9. Kyle should have been younger, at least first year of high school, probably even an eight gradeer (even younger would have hit the primary audience of the channel, and let them grow up with the kids in the show) and just finishing middle school. That way he would have had time to develope into a reasonably normal teenager before finishing his freshman year in high school.
10. He should have chosen a future profession, it's so easy to see what it should have been, a profession that includes medicine, math, quantum engineering and chemistry. He could have invented a quantum computer (the next huge leap in technology) for medical purposes, with some nano-technology and pharmacy thrown in as a bonus. Hello, cure to cancer!
God, why can't any of these guys that makes shows hier me as a consultant, it's so annoying having to be the guy with the hind sight! ;)
The show had no future, but it should have had a conclusion, although it wouldn't have been easy, without me, of course (Laughter from the audience, please), just to satisfy the viewers. Pissing off viewers is a no-no, and even though few, if any, would seriously boycot the channel, they will remember it every time they see a show from that channel. "Oh, it's channel X, no wonder they screw up/the show sucks, remember show Y!"