Morgan Freeman's age

I never knew how old he was until I looked him up on this site. He looks pretty good for someone who could have grandchildren in elemntary school and who's eligible for Social Security. My impression from his appearance in the movie was that he was in his late 50s.


Me too, i had thought he was 50's before i found out that he was nearly 70 now :p


Morgan Freeman restores my faith in dating older men, a pass time I am soon to enjoy once I find his twin (I'm a mere 36...). Hey Morgan! If you ever need a ride home and can't remember your home number, call me... 777-9311


Tall people don't look as old as other people their age, because even if they've shrunken like most older people do they shrink down to the size of most adults. Also, black don't crack!


I think that some people just age gracefully just like Morgan Freeman.
Other unfortunately,don't.
It has a lot to do with taking care of oneself.
