MovieChat Forums > 10 Items or Less (2007) Discussion > Wow!! Advertisement plugs abound

Wow!! Advertisement plugs abound

Find some subtlety please!! Movie would have been worth it without the waste of time advertising companies like Target and Arbies......sheesh


I guess they should've came up with fictional stores so that folks won't have the urge to eat at Arbies or shop at Target. Gotta hate it when movies uses places and products we use in everyday life... Just lazy. If I see another movie with a Ford in it I'm going to ban going to the movies for LIFE!! There's no call for this...


You got it, no call for this. They also mentioned Brentwood. Well, I'm sure that was pushed by the Brentwood Travel and Tourism Office. So that's it, not going to visit Brentwood anymore. :-)


Yes, I'm sure Target and Arbies ruined the movie for you.

I hate stupid liars, don't know how to do it right.


If you watched to the end credits (like every good movie viewer should), you would've seen the following phrase, "the producers regret that not one dime of product placement money was received in the making of this motion picture...(and no gremlins were harmed)."

Like ARBY'S and Target need the advertising boost.


Exactly, the film only had a budget of 2 million dollars, they were going for real life settings for all the scenes in the film, they didn't/couldn't spend tens of millions of dollars building sets and using cgi to block out signs.


I am glad that there are other people who watched this delicate film wholly down to the last credit. I was actually surprised that they did not receive product placement money.


The problem with product placement money is that they influence control over the movie to a certain degree and with Morgan Freeman being the executive producer on this film, it's clear he wanted it made in a certain way. Also, just because you want to use a product, it doesn't mean the company feels it is worth paying to have their product in it. Advertising dollars these days are better spent online.


I definitely agree that the producers used real settings due to its limited budget.


If you watch "Mad Men" which is about advertising, all the products are real. They discuss in detail such products as Eastman Kodak, Lucky Strike Cigarettes, etc in detail.

Its a great show. I liked the videos from netflix so much, I actually bought the first season at full retail for the running commentaries on all 13 shows. Some of the shows have two commentaries for architecture, clothing styles, writers, direcors and producers plus the actors. Its set in 1960.


Oddly enough, I focused on the story and don't recall the names of the stores. Maybe cause those places were part of the story.

