MovieChat Forums > 10 Items or Less (2007) Discussion > at what time she got off?? and some thou...

at what time she got off?? and some thoughts....

She says the interview is at 4pm and she has time to:
- Make a visit to her husband.
- Shop at Target.
- Wash the car.
- Eat a sandwich and chat.

So? and with all the driving between places....
Maybe at 12pm? I doubt that place would open before 6am. how many hours she worked? 5?

My point is how can she bitch around her job? Not full time, very few customers,
doesn't care about the store or helping customers, and so on.
It's gotta the money! Which is not mentioned, maybe to make her character look better?

Funny thing is a checker usually prefers the fast lane. Well, at least in decent a grocery store. That's because having a lot of full carts go down your lane gets you tired faster. And speaking of decent grocery stores, with those customer service skills you get fired.

One thing they got right, there all always a some customers got to the fast lane with more items than the limit. Reminds me of the speed limit, the same way many cars go at 50-55 while the limit being 45, you get customers with 1-10 extra items. And in the real world if a customer comes with an extra item, you DON'T set it aside, you let the customer buy it. It's more important that the customer leaves happy than the limit! duh!! It wasn't so obvious for our girl in the flick.

oh! and don't answer is only a movie/fiction... I know that, it's just some thoughts...


rules are different at stores that aren't chains. the employee gets to be right more than the customer.


As far as the length of the shift, it's important to remember that for a lot of people they might want longer shifts. Like she probably wants to work full time to get benefits and make enough money to live well. She could work all 7 days a week for 5 hour shifts and not be full time status. That would make you hate your job.

It would also be very frustrating to work with someone who does no work because they're sleeping with the boss. We also have no idea how her manager treats her.


You serious?? It's not a news report or a documentary. Does the internal timeline of the movie carry that much importance?

It's a sit back and enjoy kinda movie. Look past the continuity errors, camera shadows, hotzone mike tips, and indulge yourself in the content, taste the flavor intended. That's what you paid for, isn't it?

Really, how perfect do the creases on your pants have to be??


I am not believing this; you missed the point of her attitude in the store. Her husband was the main manager; you know... the cheater jerk in the film? Hello! She didn't have to worry about etiquette and all that other stuff you're stressing-over! She was ticked because he was an adulterer and the chick who didn't do anything was his mistress! I don't think that codes of conduct were too high on this guy's priority list! He's probably breaking company policy in his relationship with the other checker, so it's likely he wouldn't do anything about his wife's indescretions with the customers. It's about that simple.


I think the point everyone is missing (besides the fact this is just an enjoyable movie) is Scarlett is an intelligent person in a dead end job, who wants something better for herself. But, she’s constantly told she’s nothing.

She’s a raving Spanish beauty who’s husband would rather have sex with the ugly white woman because the white chick can get pregnant.

This movis is about restoring these two peoples self-worth, which they both succeed.


She left early. Her husband clearly expected her to still be at work when he asked "Who's watching Lee?".


While I greatly enjoyed this movie, the timeline did bother me a bit because it started off as a plot element. When she finally got off work she was in a hurry and upset because she was supposed to have left fifteen minutes earlier.

She had obviously planned on leaving the grocery store and going straight to the interview because she was wearing her nice shirt under her uniform.

Then the magic kicked in and they suddenly had all the time in the world.


The time isn't a big importance to the movie.
The relationship between Him and Scarlet and connection they made is the most focus of the movie.
