
Anyone know how bad the language was? Tons of F words? Lots of F Words? A few?

Thanks in advance


Mostly a few F's in the beginning. Few "S" sprinkled throughout
MPAA rules dictate anything more than a single "F" word (in a non-sexual context) warrents a R rating.


MPAA supposedly doesn't have hard set rules, and there are a few of examples of movies with the F word (in a non-sexual context) that are PG-13. I think it is actually the use of the F word as a synonym for sex that almost guarantees it getting it an R, though again I don't think the MPAA has any real written rules. You can do a Google search to find examples. I might also recommend viewing the film, "This Film Has Not Yet Rated," or otherwise checking around the web.

There isn't too much swearing, really. The language is not used in a hateful way, it's more natural speech in passive context. No violence or hate or anything. They also talk about BJ's and sex in general, but very briefly. I'm not too surprised about the rating given how the MPAA rates other movies.

Maybe 6-8 "F" words. Again, it is used very passively as a part of speech. I actually don't quite understand why the producers didn't cut the language for a PG-13 or even a PG. It really isn't at all necessary, but I guess they wanted to keep it honest or real or something. This is probably a movie in any other country that would be the equivalent of PG-13, but here in the 'States you can only cut people's heads off and shoot them in PG-13 movies, not talk about sex or use a naughty word.


Watch the documentary 'This film is not yet rated'. That would suggest the MPAA may be harder on this independent film, hence it's higher rating. Personally I can't see how this would warrant an R (which I tend to judge as being a 15 by UK standards) as that is incredibly harsh for such a mild content film. I would have said 12 was more reasonable (so PG-13 I think for America).

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It has an R rating due to the language.
But I think that they have made some revisions to suit the TV audience.
