Such a twist!

I swear to god M Night Shamalamadingdong had his thumb in this...

Movies take up 1/3 of my life. The other two parts are xbox and television.



M Night would of made this twist so long winded,it wouldn't be more ridicolus then it is already,and he would of squeezed b.willis in there as well.


The twist was so stupid. What ever the writers smoking?

My momma loved me but she died
Hud Bannon


What "twist"? There were obviously 2 twists in the movie. 1st you could figure out from the beginning and the 2nd that was really good, harder to figure out (none of my family did). Really good writing if you ask me. Good fighting scenes.

This movie deserves at least a 7.0.

It could be God, the Devil, Buddha, an Alien...or it could be a kid playing a video game. - onn1320
