deus ex Narnia anyone?
Seems like EVERY. SINGLE. precarious scene was resolved by a conveniently timed intervention (or the like).
1) Caspian thrown down from horse at the exact location of the badger's abode.
2) Dwarf saved from drowning due to protagonists happening upon the boat at the right time
3) Protagonists rush into room at right time to face standoff between Caspian and evil king and queen.
4) Protagonists rush into room at right time to face standoff between Caspian and snow queen.
5) Good army fights valiantly against overwhelming odds only to turn the tide at the last minute with nicely timed help.
6) Edward cornered only to be saved by a griffon.
I get that this is a children's book, but wow... seems like the scriptwriters didn't bother with imagining anything other than 'help arrives at the very last minute' *triumphant music plays*
I find it supremely insulting to the intelligence of children.