Sopespian's horse

When the River God kills Sopespian, I assume his horse dies too. Does nobody else think it's a shame that Sopespian couldn't have been dealt with without killing an innocent creature just because it was being ridden by him?

Now, I'm a big animal person anyway (animal deaths always get to me regardless), but this universe is a place where I'd more-so expect an innocent animal death to be treated less casually than it was, what with many animal-like creatures in Narnia being humanized. When the protagonists (who aren't dark antiheroes who I feel would be so casual about it) are friends with a lion, a pair of beavers, etc, the fact that a horse being killed and not even given a passing mention is rather jarring. I know the horse wasn't one of the more "human" like animals, but still.

I can't recall if other horses have died in battle earlier in the film, or even in the first one, but I assume so. While all cases are sad, this is the one that sticks out because of how direct it was. Another aspect that makes it so notable is that, from what I remember, Aslan summoned the River God. I always had Aslan pegged a being who sees the value in all life, whatever the species.

I guess my issue is how casual it was treated, basically like a non-event. In other films where animals die in battle and there isn't any specific notice paid, as much as I'd similarly find it sad, I'd be able to accept it as part of the unfortunate situation. It's just that here, in this specific universe, it sticks out.

I know something like this will probably sound silly to some, but I'd hope some like-minded people could see where I'm coming from. This isn't a Prince Caspian bashing thread, for the record.


I just finished watching the movie (for the third or fourth time) and yes, the horse's death sticks out to me every time. You're quite right: it was treated very casually in a movie that respects animals. Consider, though, that it was a dumb - as in couldn't talk - animal, just like the bear that's killed early on. The speaking animals are Narnians while it was a Telmarine's mount that was killed.
It's is short for *it is* or *it has*. This rule has no exceptions.


I'm glad it sticks out to someone else, I wondered if it was just me!

And yeah, it's not one of the speaking Narnian animals, but it still doesn't sit right with me that the conclusion to the conflict involves the death of an innocent creature that is both unnecessary, and unmentioned afterwards. I'd expect Aslan and the Pevensie children in particular to have a reaction, but that's probably down to the writing of the conclusion (with emphasis afterward being placed on the triumph of winning the battle) rather than the characters suddenly not caring about things like that.

Hey, I'm just a huge softie where animals are concerned.


Well I agree too, was it really necessary?
