we own the night???

more like "how bobby became a cop"....

the movie was so... so... i gave it a 6 because it wasnt tooo bad. there were some moments that were supposed to be uber serious but it just made me laugh because i couldnt help but notice that the actors yucked it up a bit when it was supposed to be super dramatic. its like a bunch of real good friends that like to goof try to make a serious flick. you have fun on the set and goof around and laugh when its supposed to be a serious moment, and its up to the director and the editing room to take what works and cut out the laughing bits.

all in all, not a bad flick. not what i expected given the trailer and the movie title. 1st 40 minutes lay out the scenario, and the last hour shows the evolution of bobby becoming a cop.... infact there was a "foreshadowing" when bobbys' dad says either your with them or with us...... haaaaaaaaaaaa


I watched the movie for the first time last night, and that is LITERALLY the first question I asked when the movie was over. I really am struggling to figure out how the title connects to the film. I sorta assumed, based on the name, that that would be an abundance of nighttime scenes with people figuratively "owning".


'We Own the Night" was the slogan of the New York police in the 1980s, painted on the sides of their squad cars as a promise to take back the night from the drug trade

http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071011/REV IEWS/710110311

WE OWN THE NIGHT is the quote from the lower portion of the badge on the uniforms of NYPD police family Deputy Chief Bert Grusinsky (Robert Duvall) and one of his two sons Capt. Joe Grusinsky (Mark Wahlberg)

http://www.amazon.com/We-Own-Night-Mark-Wahlberg/product-reviews/B000Z S8GWQ

The New York Police Department's Street Crime Unit (motto: "We Own The Night") was a 300+ member plain clothes unit for reducing crime that became well known after the 1999 killing of Amadou Diallo


I think it makes sense.

Reed Rothchild: "Hey, are those lizard?"
Dirk: "No, they're Italian."


The patch is shown in a close-up in the beginning montage.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"
