Uphold the Constitution

Phoenix swore an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution, but the cops were violating it from the get go.
illegal search and seizure. Brutality. so what if some people like to get high? thats their business. nobody else's.
I just wish Marky Marks character would have died. He deserved it for what he did to those club patrons that werent bothering anybody.

He wasnt protecting human rights, he was violating them.


hello drugs are illegal, and yes it is there business to bust druggies. Oh and welcome to the real world where anyone who has power usually abuses it.


Yeah poor innocent druggies. One minute they are "chillin kickin it with the homies" and the next they might be rapin your safe and takin your garage contents for dope money. Let me guess, then youll promptly be calling those human rights trampling police to come help you get your crap back.


That's funny considering they won't do S&^t to get your stuff back. The most you can expect is a nice police report so you can make a claim with your insurance company.

But to the OP, upholding the constitution isn't allowing people to use illegal drugs. The search and seizure without probable cause...that's another matter.
