MovieChat Forums > We Own the Night (2007) Discussion > Charcoal Down Joaquin Phoenix's Throat

Charcoal Down Joaquin Phoenix's Throat

In the scene, near the beginning of the movie, where the cops raid the club, they pour charcoal down Joaquin Phoenix's throat. Does anybody know why?

Flaming Globes of Sigmund


To humiliate him. He spit his gum in an officer's face. They also had cause to arrest him, allegedly, because he had cocaine in his pocket.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


It seems that activated charcoal can be used to cancel out the effects of cocaine or at least to test for the presence of it.

I cannot find any exact google hits, but I think that the "charcoal" is meant to be an 80's version of the "paraffin" test, but for coke instead of gunpowder.


Activated charcoal is used to absorb ingested drugs or poisons. It is not used to test for anything. It usually induces vomiting.
Even Vets use it on pets in cases of suspected poisoning.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


It's used (irish said) to get drugs out of your stomach. They use it in hospitals when someone has taken too many pills, and it induces vomiting.


Since activated charcoal induces vomiting, can't the regurgitated mixture subsequently be checked for narcotic substances? I just really don't think they used it to humiliate him. I mean think about it, they might as well each whip out markers and write cuss words on his face, and make much less of a mess too.


No. They would have had his stomach pumped at a hospital to investigate it's contents.. Charcoal is used to prevent absorption. Yes, most of the time it induces vomiting. It's really messy for all involved in it's administration.

Markers...Less messy...more time consuming.
The charcoal was there. The cop he spat his gum at was pissed. Would you go off looking for a pen when you had charcoal in your hand?

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


It annoys me the abuse that it means, in the movie, and that no one does nothing to stop it.

"The Love you take is equal to the Love you make" The Beatles.


Right because when cops with huge guns are raiding the club you're at, you definitely want to go and defend the guy with the charcoal in his mouth when you have no idea what's going on. That would TOTALLY happen.

And yes, it's painfully obvious they poured the charcoal down his throat for humiliation. You don't just spit gum in a cop's face and expect to get away with it. They knew he probably wasn't high and nuts. He spat in a cop's face and kept asking who authorized the raid and they charcoaled him to embarrass him and shut him up.


I'm like thinking that it looked kinda cool
I so think the director liked the look & what it said
& thought like lets have some fun with this
& like make a statment about "the man" on the east side of the States in the like 80's near NyC
there's like a lotta statements being maid
in this one
the look is what it was all about

U can get happy in the same pant U got pissed in. - Sue


so_earthling can u lyke type more retarded do0d

it was charcoal in his mouth to humiliate him and get back at a "punk" drug user at a club. They say in the dialog "He's high on drugs. Get the charcoal, get the charcoal" Obviously they know it's not necessary but they can claim the right by testifying later that he was exhibiting drug use behavior and they used the charcoal as a means to sober him up (possibly even save his life). As we know he wasn't doing any of this, they did this for humiliation. That's it.


wow u guys are slow....

bobbys' whole family are cops, duh they knew it was his club. the charcoal was to clear him of drugs etc.

didnt u guys watch the movie.... in the beginning in the church they talk about raiding the place, hellooooooooooooo!!!!

so they raided the place, made it look like bobby was part of the raid but at the same time clearing him of any wrong by cleaning his system to avoid complications with rookie cops and paperwork etc. they made it look legit...

cmon the cops are as dirty as the gangs they try to bust. in fact some consider the cops to be a gang themselves...



Wrong. Bobby didn't know when the raid was to take place. He was pissed.
He spat his gum into the cop's face. That's why he got "charcoaled".

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


uhhhhhhhhhh bobby wasnt supposed to know about the raid... if he did he might have tipped off some of the poeple not to show up at the club.

so what if he spit gum in the cops face, he could have gotten tazed, punched, kicked in the ballz, spit back in his face, anything really... the charcoal wasnt out of revenge, it served a purpose..


wrong, again.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


activated charcoal is used to avoid drugs (any) absorption


In this instance, it was used purely to humiliate Bobby after he spat at the officer.
It was an easy way to shut him down. The fact that it was very messy was an added bonus for the policeman.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


This could well be the most stupid and uneducated thread in IMDB history. They specifically say he's on something and then do the charcoal thing which IS to stop absorption of drugs/poison and induce vomiting as a few of the posters with actual brain activity have said.


That was a statement by the officer AFTER Bobby spat his gum in the officer's face. He was angry and about to humiliate Bobby. He knew Bobby wasn't high. He was just asserting his authority over Bobby with the handiest product.
He wasn't using the charcoal for it's intended purpose in this instance.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


I disagree. I didn't get that they wanted to humilliate him. Instead, I just thought they were "charcoaling" him in order to confirm he was high because since it induces vomiting, they'd be able to tell if he was high or not from what he regurgitated.


He spat his gum in the officer's face and pissed him off. It's that simple.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


Sergio is right on this one.


Watch it again.
I missed that he spat at the cop the first time I saw it. That was one pissed cop. It had nothing to do with whether Bobby was high, which he clearly was not.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


In german dubbing they say (supposedly to the shocked Amada):
"Der Kohlensaft bindet die Gifte. Nett von uns, was?"
"The coal juice binds the toxins. Nice of us, right?"
Don't know if the synchronisation studio held any correspondence with the film producers or if this was just for us witless Germans. :-D

"It don't mean nothing, man. Not a thing." Motown
