MovieChat Forums > Hostel: Part II (2007) Discussion > Love the view Americans have of Europe.....

Love the view Americans have of Europe...

It's pretty difficult to keep a straight face, and the film's been going for 18 minutes. It's a train to Prague. Prague has been the birthplace of more culture that most of America. But it's dangerous, right? I mean, it's a long train journey! Absurd.

Prague to Slovakia is over 600 kilometres, by the way. And 'Slovakia' is almost 50,000 square kilometres. You mind-numbing ignorant film maker.


americans, i hate this is the way they get they learn their geography, i also love how the americans even the psycho killers are attractive, but all the solvakians are fat and ugly, it maybe for a sense of unease but i think they just like making fun of anyone who isnt american so they can think their great.

-this isnt totally serious, there are nice americans i am sure!


I like America in general, but have to agree with you. The line "There are very few safe places left in Europe" (Or something like that) made me laugh...

Come on, in my country you cant even buy a bb-gun without permission :)


gun control increases violence.


Okay...get over it. It's just a movie. None of it is meant to be exact facts. It wouldn't make for a very interesting film if everything was lovely and everyone was beautiful and the places were just full of fun and charm. As far as I know the filmmakers didn't make this film to show we Americans the true dangers of Europe and what an awful place it is. It helps with the atmosphere of a fright film for the places and people in it to be frightening.


SkaterDave i completely agree with you, people should realize these films are just movies and for entertainment value. The idea of the line "there really are no safe places left in europe" is to set the mood for the film and leave the audience with the sense that nowhere they go is going to be safe and they can't really trust anyone. Eli Roth has said that he made me the movies to play on peoples fears of the fact that your rights in a foreign country are not the same as in the states and things that can go wrong and to show how sick human beings can be and what we're capable of.


Europeans themselves have a bad view of America.


But thats the point. The line doesnt work because its ridiculous, thus making the movie less realistic.

And the "its just a movie" argument cliche doesnt work since the thing (For med anyways) that makes these types of movies scary is the notion that it could just might happen.


hahahaha shut ur faces.
Come on guys, its not safe. Look at France, Lady Gaga cancelled a show there... You know if a place is too crazy for Lady Gaga that it must REALLY crazy.
Then you have Italy play Serbia and the game ends after 6 min cause Serbians throw firecrackers and bottles on the field.
The you have Bosnia France and Bosnia gets fined by Fifa b/c Bosnians throw firecrackers at french players.

ferme vos gueles.


I agree with you, that by and large, Americans are oblivious to the goings on in the rest of the world... but that's because we've had no real reason to care. What utility is there in knowing the distance between two European cities that the vast majority will not visit, so you can look smart at a cocktail party? I don't suspect anyone is watching Hostel II for geography or lessons. Fat and ugly.. well there are plenty of no-lookers in all countries. The only suggestion I have for eastern European women, from personal experience: perfume <> shower. No offense.


[ But thats the point. The line doesnt work because its ridiculous, thus making the movie less realistic. ]

Becks honey, I think you're missing one little point. It's a movie. It's not realistic and is not meant to be. As far as the..what makes it scary is that it might actually happen..theory goes I disagree. The movie that scared me the most when I saw it as a youngster and still does as an adult is a monster movie which in no stretch of the imagination could ever really happen. Maybe that's what makes movies scary for you but not for everyone.


How are you sure that there are no efforts to strive for realism? I get that it is exaggerated, however it isnt to say that these things never happen on a smaller scale.

What scares people is subjective, the line ruins something for me, therefore a aggre with the OP.


If something scary happens in a setting that is completely unrealistic, then it is not so scary. QED.

Oh, and I love the argument that America doesn't have to worry about what happens elsewhere in the world....having infected the world with a banking crisis. Americans will therefore leave Afghanistan immediately and not worry about North Korea. Insular, ignorant, arrogant, annoying.


yeah its way to dodgy here in Europe...maybe Americans should just stay at home?


Couple of points here;

I'm a American, born and raised in New England...

I was in Federal Law Enforcement for some time but I now work for an international investigations/security company who's name I'm sure some of you would know.

Our clients are primarily large corporations and every month we put out a risk assesment brief that covers the entire planet. It lists countries from low risk to high risk to very high risk to "don't even think about going there". And we set up protection for our clients accordingly when they travel, or live there.

Hate to say it but the United States regularly lists at a higher risk rate than many European countries. We have higher crime rates than a lot of them and much easier access to firearms.

Am I saying that my company should provide you with bodygaurds if you come here, no, but neither would you need them in Western Europe or most of Eastern Europe.

Now Mexico, that's a different's one of the "don't even think about going there" countries.

Oh, and User-153, they're are good Americans and bad Americans, just like where ever you're from. And Americans from one part of the country are very different than those from others. You obviously have no American friends and have never met anyone nice from here. That's too bad.
But don't lump an entire nationality together; I travel exensively for my job and I've met plenty of nice people, and plenty of jerks, everywhere I've gone. And I've seen plenty of "ugly american" tourists in Europe over the years. But if you spent some time in Florida in the winter, or New England in the summer, you'd see just as many European tourists acting like insufferable a#@$holes as well. Being a jerk is not exclusive to the US.


Couple of points here;

I'm a American, born and raised in New England...

I was in Federal Law Enforcement for some time but I now work for an international investigations/security company who's name I'm sure some of you would know.

Our clients are primarily large corporations and every month we put out a risk assesment brief that covers the entire planet. It lists countries from low risk to high risk to very high risk to "don't even think about going there". And we set up protection for our clients accordingly when they travel, or live there.

Hate to say it but the United States regularly lists at a higher risk rate than many European countries. We have higher crime rates than a lot of them and much easier access to firearms.

Am I saying that my company should provide you with bodygaurds if you come here, no, but neither would you need them in Western Europe or most of Eastern Europe.

Now Mexico, that's a different's one of the "don't even think about going there" countries.

Oh, and User-153, they're are good Americans and bad Americans, just like where ever you're from. And Americans from one part of the country are very different than those from others. You obviously have no American friends and have never met anyone nice from here. That's too bad.
But don't lump an entire nationality together; I travel exensively for my job and I've met plenty of nice people, and plenty of jerks, everywhere I've gone. And I've seen plenty of "ugly american" tourists in Europe over the years. But if you spent some time in Florida in the winter, or New England in the summer, you'd see just as many European tourists acting like insufferable a#@$holes as well. Being a jerk is not exclusive to the US.

Thank you very much for enlightening me, Mccadoo! I am sure that you have opened a lot of eyes and given people a lot of insights on what is really happening in this World. You are cool!


Safe to say the movie went over your head. And Europeans say Americans are dumb

Darling, you can't rape a townie.


Most I've ever done was go to London. My sister lived in England for 6 months and traveled all over Europe, my good friend has been to Amsterdam and his cousin goes there regularly for competitions of a nature that are only legal in some parts in the states. Just take a guess at what I mean.

Anyway, if I could move from the US to anywhere, it would totally be somewhere in Europe! I have never watched a horror movie like Hostel or Touristas and thought, "Gee all that'll happen to me if I leave the country is death and dismemberment!"

Don't group americans together! I would much rather live in another country if given the chance, gay marriage isn't even legal in the state I live in and being a lesbian that sucks ASS!

Also, I may be really wrong, but I could have sworn that in one of the DVD extras in the first Hostel, Eli Roth said that one of the points he was trying to make was the fact that americans are ignorant pigs. I haven't seen the first Hostel in a while (It is by far my favorite out of the two...and as I haven't seen the third yet I can still confidently say that as I know the third will suck hands down) but isn't there some part in the first Hostel where either Paxton or Josh say something along the lines of, "We're Americans!" in such a way that it should STOP the people from doing whatever they are doing because they are so effing special? I honestly took these movies the opposite, that it was showing how stupid and privilaged Americans can be when traveling to another country.

Besides any choice I had already made NOT to visit Slovakia had no bearing on the fact that I could get tortured and die there. I just generally have no interest in traveling there. I am well aware that I could step outside of my house tomorrow and be shot and I live in a very nice neighborhood. I have been mugged more than once walking home, and been sexually assaulted on three seperate occasions ALL IN MY HOME TOWN! It's retarded for me to think that it's only going to happen in a place that I am not familiar with.

When in doubt, God prays to Hoffman.

(And yes I am FEMALE!)


The film didn't take place in England, Ireland, France or Germany did it? No.

It took place in Eastern Europe, big difference.

Not saying you're going to run into a situation like this, but let's be honest, not the most desireable place to travel.


This is a pretty ridiculous thread, really.

It's just a movie. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate. In fact, there are tons of American movies made by Americans that are inaccurate about geography, etc.


"There are very few safe places left in Europe"

I actually thought that line was a joke by the filmmakers after all the fuss Slovakia made after the first movie. They must have been thinking that the Slovakian reaction was hilarious so they decided to piss off the whole of Europe in the second movie.


much like 90% of america.


The Czech Republic and Slovaki are NOT in eastern Europe. They're in CENTRAL Europe. Why don't you people do your homework? Just because czech and slovakian are slavonic languages doesn't mean its speakers live in eastern Europe. Look at a map. Slovakia borders Germany.
And in the first movie a character mentions that "there are few men in Slovakia because of the war". What war? The last war to took place there was WWII. Eli Roth doesn't know the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia or Serbia! Those two last countries ARE in eastern Europe.

'Officer, I didn't mean to be incestuous. The priest told me to go down on my niece.'


Slovakia borders Germany - really? Maybe you should do your homework too, buddy.
I'm from the Czech Republic (which by the way DOES border Germany) and frankly I don't care whether people call the place Central or Eastern Europe. It's just a label, anyway.


I don't know anyone who took a movie like this seriously in the "AHHH NEVER TRAVELING AGAIN" sense. If they did they would also not go to movie theaters, parties, parks, summer camp,or even grocery stores (My bloody valentine,eh?) because people in movies have died there AHHH EVERYONE LOCK THEMSELVES IN THEIR HOUSE... oh wait people have died there too OMG!!!

Also, I think this film is more insulting to Americans by how party craved/sex craved/stupid most characters are perceived. In part one for example I liked Oli better than the Americans...


I'm an American but have lived in Asia for five years now, and traveled quite extensively in that time. I've met amazing people everywhere I've gone, and met a few dickheads in my travels as well. Just as another fellow said, ignorance and stupidity are not confined to any nation. I've met rude Americans in my travels, but to be honest I've met many more rude Frenchmen and Italian guys. The majority of fights I saw in Beijing were started by Brits. Not that anyone is "worst" of course; it's just my personal experience these past years. With all that said, I've been frightened and unnerved by local people at some time or other in every country I've been to. Usually I'm just hoping not to get ripped off by drivers, guides, vendors, etc., but every once in a while, I have a true and reasonable fear of what locals may be up to. The line about Europe not being safe should not offend anyone. NOWHERE is really safe anymore. There are bandits, rapists, kidnappers, terrorists, and all other manner of bad characters out there. One should always be conscientious when traveling, much as Beth is in this movie when she's looking out for her friends. People should not be offended by this movie. It is meant to entertain, but it also taps into a true fear all travelers must experience now and again.

"I no longer know who I am and feel like the ghost of a total stranger."



I kept thinking why would anyone leave Rome??
