How in the World is this only a 6, and the Fall is an 8?
First of all i have literally watched these two films on back to back days, and on top of it i watched the Fall first, so no first movie bias here. BTW i am comparing them because both of them are essentially visual heavy pieces that also have fantasy as a primary component.
Comparing the two, they are give or take equal in visual aspects, i slighty prefer the creepy settings from Re cycle more. In fact i have them pretty much equal in all aspects except one. They both leave the amibigous endings, both have a decent cast of actors, both have good soundtracks, and both have their share of symbolism and reference to myths from particular cultures.
Storywise, i think Recycle is actually pretty good; the problem is that this movie is marketed as a horror, when in facts its a dark fantasy; honestly if this was animated with the exact same story scene for scene, i could not tell the difference between it and a Miyazaki movie or something like Paprika. As a horror it fails, because other than the atmosphere its not particularly scary, but as a fantasy movie i rank it up there with the best (i might make an alternative ending with her waking up, and then getting back to gether with her boyfriend and having a kid whose the reincarnation of the girl).
honestly when i read the cover, i thought this was gonna be like a asian version of in the mouth of madness and it kinda was untill she got into the elevator scene, and then from then on i enjoyed because i stopped expecting scares and started to appreciate the fantastical elements.