MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Vicki is so rude and inconsiderate to he...

Vicki is so rude and inconsiderate to her family

She had Briana drive from OK TO CA when she was sick.

She left Briana home with the two boys when she was sick.

She showed up at Michael's house, uninvited, and made an ass of herself, acting like a drunken teenager at his football party.

She whined about how stressed she was on the way to the hospital to find out just how sick Briana really was.

When Briana and Troy were saying goodbye before the trip to CA from OK, Vicki was standing on top of them in the garage because of course it's all about her.

She called Briana a f-king B when she told her mother about Brooks coming onto her and told her she didn't believe her.

She "gave" Briana a car for her birthday then told her she had to make the payments.

When Briana announced she was married Vicki made it all about her.

Just last week she kept her family, including her little grandsons, waiting 1.5 hours at lunch while she was getting her hair and nails done. Wow. That was really rude.

At that luncheon she talked about her desire for sex in front of her son, daughter and son-in-law and her little grandsons.

Those are just the few examples I can think of right now. I really don't understand how one can apologize for being 1.5 hours late, yes, keeping five people waiting for you, while you get your hair and nails done. Couldn't that have waited?

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Don't forget that she bought her daughter the house that needed some major updating and that Bri and her husband will have to pay her back for come up with the dosh to update and fix it. Kids during construction, painting etc. won't be fun.

Vicki has had kids. She of all people should know that kids have limited attention spans. When my grandkids were little (and we tried to find kid friendly places that had a coloring placemat, crayons etc.) it was sometimes all we could do to keep them seated and occupied while we waited for food (to not disturb and get on the nerves of other diners).

When Vicki gave Bri the car, as it was in the guise of a "present", how was she to refuse it? If it was out of my budget I might have gone back the next day and sold or traded it back in for something in my budget. A Mercedes wasn't it? Even the upkeep on those vehicles can be very pricey. Hey Vicki, she would have appreciated a gift certificate to her favorite clothing store just as much (unless Bri too has fallen victim to conspicuous consumption living in OC)

You made a lot of good points. Kelly too, seems like someone who can't live without all the bells and whistles. I wonder that her husbands money is the reason that she's staying with him. After all her mean comments at the book signing party it seems apparent that she doesn't overly like let alone love being with him.


Pretty sure Brianna said she gave the car back because she couldn't or didn't want to make the payments and I don't blame her, why would someone in nursing school want to spend 500 a month for that? Vicki's "gifts" always have strings, she doesn't give or help because she genuinely cares, she's too selfish to do so.


Yes, she is selfish and self absorbed. You'd think she was the only one in that dune buggy crash. Her saying that Shannon was off the mark in not visiting her at the hospital and calling her earlier because she was helicoptered out to a trauma center...she asked for that helicopter. The attending EMS had not deemed that she needed it and I read somewhere that they were a bit miffed at her because there could have been other people out there who really needed it and to them it was a waste of money, their time and talent. Vicki did it for th dramatic effect. Kelly better learn that to be her friend she needs to get a casserole cook book immediately!! Evidently that's the only acceptable gift to bring when Vicki is under the weather or hurt (physically or emotionally). She should at least stop being so needy now that her love tank is getting filled. What am I saying? is Vicki that I'm talking about!!!! There will never be anything good enough for her. Even (God of your choice forbid) enough people getting cancer so that she can profit off of them.


Mindthinkr, how about a Crock Pot? In that manner one would have something ready any minute of the day or night, and not have to worry about the tuna in a casserole cooking to mush. Vicki's tragedies occur around the clock and around the world, and she can fake retch in any vehicle. A Crock Pot and a 220 voltage converter and you can have your own Vicki Gunvalson friendship sympathy travel kit ready at the drop of a Prada shoe.

Speaking of her religion and God, does anyone know if Vicki is Catholic? I ask because she crosses herself at what seems to be inappropriate times. She does it not at times of real tragedy or need for others or herself, rather, she seems to cross herself in a prayer-like fashion when she is being selfish about something or seems to think she is being funny. I'm not Catholic, but it looks opportunistic or disrespectful to me to do that only in a joking manner.



LMAO....Darla that's one of the best ideas I've ever seen written here!!!! A crock pot!! I think they even make these packets where all you need to do is add meat and water (not that I'd want to eat the dehydrated veggies, preservatives etc.) so you are correct. A crock pot with a voltage adapter in someones trunk would be the perfect gift. Heck...begin cooking it on the way to her house and tell her dinner will be ready in a few hours!! Plug in and violá !!

I don't recall anything about her religious background and don't believe that any of the women go to church although I suspect that Heather takes her kids to the synagogue (don't know how religious she is either as I've never heard her make a big deal about if her food is kosher). Perhaps Vicki crosses herself thinking that it absolves her of her sins...gosh if I was her I'd imagine that it could take hours in a church for confession and then the prayers that one does after sinning for forgiveness. I'm only basing this on people I know whom are Catholic so I could have a point wrong but think it's sound. Yes, if I was dutiful to my religion and saw someone else making light of it I would be upset. Maybe we should call her Vicki GunvalSIN.


Both of her parents had their funerals in the same Lutheran Church so unless they converted from Catholicism she probably wasn't raised Catholic. I remember an early season showed her pretending to read the Bible and saying "God hates divorce."


No...I think her crossing herself is purely for show.
