What Every Housewife Should Have In Their Purse....
Even if you are a friend of one, be sure to have these items on hand..
1) The usual lipstick, make up, QTips, etc to keep your crying face from melting down
2) A Mini Medical Kit- OTC pain relievers, feminine products, band aids, hand sanitizer, bismuth for nausea and a paper bag
3) Mini Grey Goose Vodkas- DTs can be dangerous..as can be the stress hanging with these ladies
4) Hang over remedies- Berocca's work well...aspirin...whatever works for you
5) Condoms- If single this is a must in case your love tank needs filling
6) Kleenex- For the crying that will happen when y'all get together
7) Breath mints- so you don't kiss a stranger with dragon breath
8) Clean underwear- in case of a accident (peeing or the air lift type)
9) A rabbits foot or whatever good luck charm works for you as you will need it with this bunch.
I'm typing blind here and can't see what I've written after #6 so y'all will have to excuse typos. Of course I left out the usual wallet, keys and cash you should have. Please feel free to add anything I might have forgotten. Oh, yes.....THE PEPPER SPRAY...If these girls are your friends, your enemies will require extra strength measures. Good Luck!!