MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > What Every Housewife Should Have In Thei...

What Every Housewife Should Have In Their Purse....

Even if you are a friend of one, be sure to have these items on hand..

1) The usual lipstick, make up, QTips, etc to keep your crying face from melting down

2) A Mini Medical Kit- OTC pain relievers, feminine products, band aids, hand sanitizer, bismuth for nausea and a paper bag

3) Mini Grey Goose Vodkas- DTs can be can be the stress hanging with these ladies

4) Hang over remedies- Berocca's work well...aspirin...whatever works for you

5) Condoms- If single this is a must in case your love tank needs filling

6) Kleenex- For the crying that will happen when y'all get together

7) Breath mints- so you don't kiss a stranger with dragon breath

8) Clean underwear- in case of a accident (peeing or the air lift type)

9) A rabbits foot or whatever good luck charm works for you as you will need it with this bunch.

I'm typing blind here and can't see what I've written after #6 so y'all will have to excuse typos. Of course I left out the usual wallet, keys and cash you should have. Please feel free to add anything I might have forgotten. Oh, yes.....THE PEPPER SPRAY...If these girls are your friends, your enemies will require extra strength measures. Good Luck!!




I'm typing blind here and can't see what I've written after #6 so y'all will have to excuse typos.

mindthinkr, your typing is fine, and you get bonus points for correctly spelling "y'all."


Portion sized casseroles. For the "non high maintenance friend.


A lie detector.


^^^ HA...HA...HA


Peroxide of all strengths. In case you are injured in a knock down drag out, or drunkenly fall and become injured. Stronger for those touch-ups for the housewives who claim to be "blonde".

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Divorce papers

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie



A crucifix, for Vicki who claims to be lIke Jesus, and "has done nothing wrong".

A rosary, so you can prove Vicki is decidedly NOT Catholic and she will stop crossing herself in acting like she is Catholic.

Holy water, for the exorcisms.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Oh Darla, you are just too funny and have added some great's going to have the strength to carry these purses? (my bet is on Tamra and Kelly...then they can swing them at each other like weapons lol!!)


Or Vicki can buy a bus to haul everything, get credit on camera, then tell all the gals that they must make the payments, but only after she retches, because it's a new model of travel for her, doncha know?

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie
