Vicki's motives

I think all this husband bashing she's doing is because she's alone and she blames them for driving Brooks away. She was clearly d**k whipped by him and in spite of the cancer bs she would've still stayed with him but because of these women and the show there was no way in hell she could. So this is her revenge. She's attacking everyone's husband and their marriages.


Yes. And trying to make them look bad as in - look your guy is awful too. Just like Brooks! We are all the same now.


I think Vicki would have stayed with that sociopath regardless.. Didn't he leave her as she laid laid in the driveway or street?
I think she's jealous too. The cop is a prop, obviously..


I wouldn't be surprised if she is still seeing Brooks. Remember, she said she would take a bullet for him.


Yep - Vicki is so gross and transparent.
