I Don't Blame Vicki

When you love somebody, you can forgive (or maybe just forget) even the worst of lies told. But as others have said, because of the show.. it would be career suicide if she stayed with him. I don't blame her for wanting to get even with these people.

Even if he was lying, the amount of effort they put into trying to essentially force them to split was astronomical. The whole season was everyone trying to break them up basically. They knew if they could prove he was lying then they would not be together any longer.

I'm not a person that wants REVENGE at any cost.. but I do find that I MUST GET EVEN when somebody wrongs me. If I don't even the score, it throws off my whole game. It destroys my confidence & sends me into a depressed state that is hard to come out of. Getting even ASAP keeps me strong and willing to forge ahead in this difficult world.

I see some of those traits in Vicki as well. Obviously people are not going to like somebody that always has to get even, saying they should take the high road & ignore it. But doing that isn't an option for some people. They'd never bounce back from getting knocked down. So they fight back at whatever cost.

Just how I see it.. -shrug-


Ok, but how did she get even?


She got even by going after Tamra and Shannon's husbands. a) Shannon's "beat the s### out of her" and Tamra's: "gay & has been cheating on her throughout the whole relationship"

Then when Tamra brought it up on the phone about how she & Shannon were hurt, Vicki said "welcome to my world, we're all hurting".. which I took in regards to her splitting with Brooks because of them investigating him all last season. That's when I realized she was trying to get even for what they did to her.


So basically you are saying the other ladies should have sat back and let Brooks and Vicki continue to lie and scam people? Even if it meant their juice scam became big and people died... and because they didnt, Vicki deserves to try and break up their marriages as revenge for not going along with this lie?

Personally I dont think anyone would have done anything other than say he is a jerk of not for the cancer scam and after that the only reason it wouldnt die is because they continued to lie. Had Vicki just said 'yeah we/he lied and I dont care and am staying with him' that probably would have been the end of it. Not saying they would like Brooks or forgiven or all hang out but there wouldnt be any truth to try and drag out.

What about all the viewers that have had to deal personally with cancer and this was upsetting for them? Does this mean if they feel wronged they all get to get revenge on Vicki and Brooks too?


I think Vicki wrote this to defend herself...


If getting revenge on people who you feel have wronged you is so strong that you can't move forward in your life without doing so, you need to talk to someone. And I'm not being sarcastic or nasty it just sounds unhealthy. If Vicki is going in on other people's marriages simply for pointing out that her boyfriend is a lying piece of crap and don't want her hurt then she also needs help. But we already knew that didn't we?
