Kelly is just MEAN

If someone makes me defend Shannon and Tamra, then that means they are a pretty awful human being.

While We have all seen some pretty bad things online posted by Tamra's daughter herself, and seen things on the show that make it seem like Shannon would be a very difficult person to be married to, I hate how Kelly just takes the things she know hurts them the most to use as weapons when she's upset with them.

If I had someone in my life who I believed played a big role in her husbands decision to have an affair, I would NEVER say it out loud. If I had someone in my life who I thought played a big role in having one of her children not wanting her in her life, I wouldn't say that out loud either. There are just some places you don't go, especially when you don't know the whole situation. Tamras daughters decison to not have Tamra in her life and Davids affair happened over a year before Kelly even met these women. What Kelly has said to about about these women is Brandi Glanville level mean.

Lastly, and I can't believe I am applauding any of Tamra's behavior, but I honestly thought after Kelly's comment Tamra would have done much worse than push Kelly. I do not support physical violence of any kind, but given what what Kelly said, I'm glad that Tamra was able to restrain herself from using her very strong body from doing worse.

BOOM! bazooka joe. -Randy Barry of The Real World: San Diego


When you feel ganged up on, you defend yourself using any means necessary.

When you have an argument with someone, you don't say nice things to them, you say mean things to them.

Nowadays, there's nothing off limits when it comes to arguing with someone. You use whatever verbal ammunition you have.

Both things Kelly said (about Tamra and Shannon) were facts, not lies. Kelly was just saying things those women didn't want to hear. Too f'in bad!


Sure she was ganged up this ONE time...but what about the previous handful of times she brought it on herself? What the excuse then? She has been insulting these women since literally the very first second she has met them.

Some things are off limits. You don't take the worst thing in someone's life and use it against them....especially since she said she doesn't even know if it's true. You can't just make stuff up and spread gossip to make yourself feel better and then just say "oh well, we were fighting, that's what happens"

When I was a kid I was severely burned by boiling water (2nd degree burns on my face and chest...luckily, who knows how, I do not have any scars) but I remember a "friend" telling me that she wished I was hurt worse and I had to stay in the hospital longer just because I didn't want to go over to her house one day. I have never forgotten that and it ruined our friendship.


I'm glad you came out of the accident without physical scarring. Shame on her the psychological scar. Those hurts cut deep.


Kelly didn't just ' make stuff up' as you put it. She repeated something she was told, which was wrong, but Vicki shouldn't have told Kelly - someone with no loyalty to this group- sensitive information like that. Especially about someone like Tamra, who she considers a long time, close friend.
Also, I do not feel like this is the first time Kelly was ganged up on. At Shannon's party, when Shannon was sitting with those women and they were talking negatively about Kelly was another time, IMO.


Kelly didn't just ' make stuff up' as you put it. She repeated something she was told, which was wrong, but Vicki shouldn't have told Kelly - someone with no loyalty to this group- sensitive information like that.

But Kelly didn't know or care if it was even true or not. You can't just repeat things you hear from a very unreliable source and call it good. For all she knows Vicki made it up as a way to spread rumors about someone who she wasn't getting along with at the moment.

If it's true, it's unforgivable what David did.

If it's not, Kelly just released an extremely damaging rumor.


As I stated in my original post - Kelly repeated it and it was wrong.
I am only clarifying that she did not make it up as you stated she did.


Both things Kelly said (about Tamra and Shannon) were facts, not lies.

How do you (or Kelly) know they're facts?


Kelly doesn't know...nor does she care. I'm sure people on here have dug up a police report from somewhere but Kelly herself told her husband (who seemed genuinely surprised and concerned about it) that "she doesn't care. It's not her business"

She has no problem spreading potential gossip about anyone else but she can't take it. Isn't that what she is always telling everyone..."you can dish it out but you can't take it"

The minute it gets tough for her she comes back with the worst possible thing she can.


She has no problem spreading potential gossip about anyone else but she can't take it. Isn't that what she is always telling everyone..."you can dish it out but you can't take it"

The minute it gets tough for her she comes back with the worst possible thing she can.


White lightening+Black Hammer


Except for the pushing part, I agree with everything you said.

Kelly has been obnoxious from the start, even when she first met Shannon, with that comment about university of spoiled children. You don't diss someone's alma mater! How childish.


I'm not a Kelly fan but that one seemed like an awkward attempt at humor and the other women are very protective about their images. They've seen and faced the consequences of perception on a reality show. Kelly being a newbie didn't understand the lines that were drawn in the sand about what humor can be about.


If someone makes me defend Shannon and Tamra, then that means they are a pretty awful human being.

LOL. For me, with the exception of Meghan, I think they are all pretty awful human beings and deserve whatever they get from each other.


Totally agree.


Kelly is pathologically immature and emotionally labile, and has little control over her outbursts, but still, she is a grown woman that should be held responsible for her behavior..... However, it was VICKI that was the real "puppet master" of all the decline on the trip. Vicki repeated things to Kelly that were told to her in confidence, Vicki encouraged Kelly to drink to excess, Vicki involved the other women on the nose tweaking nonsense.


Vicki also told Tamra that Kelly was talking about her behind her back.


I posted somewhere else that Vicki said she refuses to be blamed and apologize for anything that happened on that trip. She was technically the person who started the WHOLE thing by literally forcing the alcohol down Tamra and Kelly's throats at the pub crawl and then complaining to Heather (I think) about the nose fiasco....and then just walked away when everyone else was in agreement that it was annoying and juvenile and let the other women go at it while she just sat in the background like it was nothing.

That led to the bickering about people not taking a joke and being too sensitive, which ignited another fire, which then led to the Tamra/daughter showdown, which was then impossible to come back from.


But you know these women are grown and Vicki can't MAKE them do anything they don't want to do. Kelly is just a mean drunk and Vicki is responsible for kinda egging her on and kept the shots coming. By now, they should all know how Kelly is when she drinks. They should have NEVER made a "pub crawl" where there was lots of liquor as part of the events with Kelly's known problem. She strikes me as having some type of emotional or mental stress also where she seems to need something to take her edge off. She's very high strung and has a hair trigger temper. Give her a little goading and she goes from 0 to 1000 at warp speed. She is this way with her husband and the ladies and all of these people have their own issues. My big issue with Kelly is when the girls told her that they didn't like that nose flicking thing, why the hell did she keep doing it?! She(Kelly) admitted that her own kids hated it....well if she KNOWS people hate it, is she doing it to piss you off? Tell this chick NO means NO! If I said stop and she did it to me, I would have slapped the piss out of her! Stevie Wonder can see something is off about her....I liked her at first, but she is annoying and becomes the victim when people call her on her hatefulness!!


I personally find her hilarious and complex. She is SO IMPULSIVE and so sensitive over every little thing. It's so funny to see her go from calm and cool.. to ENRAGED WITH ANGER SCREAMING "THEY THINK I'D CUSS IN FRONT OF KIDS?!!".. to balling her eyes out.. and back to calm & cool again.. all within a one minute period. No gradual progression. Just one extreme to another. :lol:

I WAS DYING when she was at dinner with them and just started calling everybody names that came against her. When she called Tamra a dumb-f###.. just hilarious. SO EXTREME! hahah. The way she said it too was like SHE HAD TO LET IT OUT and literally could not control her mouth. Like the words had a mind of their own. Hahah she is really hysterical. I could see myself being friends with her.

She has a good heart and truly is sorry when she apologizes. I honestly don't think her behavior is THAT BAD.. I mean I feel it's kinda just immature. She's not vicious like Heather is. She is just defending herself most of the time when she goes off. The really evil behavior is when it's secretive and planned ahead of time to damage someone. For instance.. Shannon forcing drinks on Kelly and then telling the waiter to make it a double.. then makes this face to Tamra like "got the job done, she's screwed now." That scared me honestly and made me see Shannen as a really truly evil person. I was liking her before that incident.. Kelly's spontaneousness, in comparison.. is nothing compared to that type of personality.

But this has been so entertaining to watch.. glad to hear Kelly got the ratings up. I'm watching it for the first time after deserting Beverly Hills. That show is ruined forever for me after last season. So desperate, so fake. Over that one until they make wise decisions and bring back the instigators (Brandi and Kim mainly)


All of them are mean and liars as far as I can see...I no longer watch the show.


*beep* excuse me, but the mean juvenile hags are Shannon, Heather, and possibly Tamra. Kelly and Vicki are just trying to stay sane.
Move on from the show, you're so regal. Bitches.
