Heather, Tamra and Shannon

It seemed like the 3 mean girls' strategy at the reunion was to not be on the offense so much, but to try to make Kelly look like she was crazy. To let Kelly and Vicki talk and the 3 mean girls would give a look like Kelly was crazy or something. Because they knew they were guilty of trying to get her drunk, ambushing her, and trying to take her down as a gang. Where as on a previous reunion when Heather and Tamra were ganging up on Alexis, they were on the offense attacking her, I believe.


Btw, I don't understand the hatred Tamra and Heather had for Alexis, she didn't have mean bone in her body. So she said she was rich and exaggerated a bit, so what? Chuckle about it behind her back, don't gang up on her and bully her. I'll bet she's looking a lot more benign to them compared to Kelly. Heather talks about how rich she is all the time.


I feel the same. I kind of think they were jealous.


Younger, prettier, with a lot more potential because of that youth! I had no idea all these broads are getting up there! For Tamra to invoke the "old lady" card; I knew her dementia was complete! No one on that couch is more pathetic than her who has to work so hard to "hold on" deflecting heaven knows what with the "Christen Saved..." card! Her mouth was so foul in part 3 of the reunion! Her ranting and raving hasn't changed and it's a shame someone so insecure feels her best involving herself in every aspect of other people's lives just so she has a club to work them over in time of need! Happens all too often, but love how Slade shut her up good at one of the reunions! I think it had something to do with "$u####g off" Eddie and others to get ahead or snare! She lost it and stormed off the set; absolutely the funniest scene ever in the franchise because she needed being taken down a peg! Anyone calling her "friend" is looking for trouble! 

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They were jealous , Alexis is one of best cases for GOOD plastic surgery . I put her in the top 5 of most beautiful HWs ( along with Cynthia & Kenya from Rhoa , and Joyce from Rhob) . Plus Lex wasnt crass or vindictive so they knew she wouldn't stoop to their level when "fighting".


Ack!! I spotted her plastic surgery a mile off. Found her quite plastic looking.


Heather had a friend she wanted to take Alexis' spot on the show. Tamra hated her because her breasts were bigger and Simon made a comment that Tamra should act more like alexis.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 
