KDudd: Christian Extroirdinaire

Andy asked Kelly if Tamra is a good Christian and without pause, Kelly declares that no she is not. Only a mental case like Kelly would dare to judge someone else. Tamra is horrible, but Kelly is..... well, her behavior speaks for itself.


Andy asked Kelly a question and Kelly answered it. How is that judging? She was ASKED. Tamra is the one who runs around talking about her newfound Christianity...not Kelly.


If he asked me, I'd say the same! Tamra's big mouth takes her out of the conversation concerning being a Christian! Case closed! 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Thank you fiero- Kelly had the right to answer the question and give her opinion. That's what the reunion mostly consists of anyways - these women giving their opinions of different situations and of each other.


Exactly Blondie. Andy asked Kelly her opinion and she gave it, as all of the women on this show do.
If he had asked me that question, my honest opinion would have been that I have seen some changes in Tamra, but no - she is not what I would consider a good Christian.
I actually think most viewers would answer similarly.
It's interesting to me how the OP can judge Kelly for having an opinion of Tamra, but then goes on to call Kelly a mental case. It's ok to give a negative opinion of Kelly, but if Kelly does the same regarding Tamra, then she is out of line.


Indeed, Joy. Couldn't have said it better myself!


Yes exactly and tamra was acting like a complete cold arguing with vicki "I'm a better person than you I'm better" ugh


I meant child ugh autocorrect


No, the case is not closed just because you declare it so, Kelly DID judge Tamra by answering Andy's question. In order not to judge her, she should have declined to answer. Who the He11 is Kelly to decide who is a good Christian? Since when is she the one to decide who qualifies as a good Christian?

By the way, there are only Christians, not good and bad Christians.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I agree, Darla!!


Since when is this show about these women not judging each other and giving their opinions about each other?
Especially when Andy is asking them direct questions on the reunion.

Saying Kelly should have declined to answer doesn't make any sense.
In that case, all of the women should have declined to answer most of the questions Andy asked.


No one said Kelly is 'qualified' to say who is a good or bad Christian, but she is qualified to give her own opinion and she has the right to as well- which is exactly what she did.
If you are expecting to watch a politically correct, non judgemental show, where everyone only says what you think they should- then this may not be the right show for you


I don't care if its judgemental or not Tamra is a horrible human being , I agreed with Kelly's answer. It amazes me that Tamra has not been physically assaulted yet by a cast member , maybe next season lol she deserves one good drag across the reunion stage lol


All of these women speak their opinions and judge each other endlessly. The fact the OP thinks Kelly should not have given her opinion blows my mind.


Apart from the fact only God can judge who is a good Christian. Kelly is not God. Just because Andy asks a question does not mean a person, Kelly for instance, cannot say they don't think they are qualified to make that judgment.

In fact, there is someone expressing their opinion about me, and my moods, and opinions, ad nauseum, and that person knows me not at all.

I am addressing ONLY THAT ISSUE and I maintain Kelly is not qualified to say who is or is not a "good" Christian. There is no room for human opinion as again, only God is qualified to make that determination.

I was not addressing any other question or opinion. Reading comprehension is a valuable skill and it would behoove some posters to put it to use prior to jumping on others with both feet. I am seeing a pattern with one poster who is making sweeping generalities and attempting to misconstrue my answers. It is silly.

Don't drag in other questions and answers to try to make yourself look right or all knowing. You seem to enjoy comparing apples and oranges. You might get more clarity in life if you stick to the subject at hand. You write your mind is blown. Perhaps that is the root of the problem.

The folks on the message boards who CONSTANTLY invite those who don't agree with them to go elsewhere or watch different shows are so tiresome and immature. If you cannot abide a differing opinion perhaps it would behoove you to take your own advice.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie



Why are you following me around? Are you having a crush on me?

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie



That is once again such a childish comment to resort to.

I read many threads on this board and post comments on different threads to different people about my opinion.

Maybe that is extremely odd to you, but I and many other posters comment to each other repeatedly- sometimes in agreement and sometimes in disagreement.

It's a very common thing on IMDB.


Whatever. Methinks though doth protest too much.

Hey Joy!!! Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


