In one episode, she says she's not rich (which you can also tell from the multiple episodes where you see her in her apartment) but how is she not if TGS is a relatively successful show (ratings-wise)? Isn't she the creator? And, if she's not, then who is?
It is so she is relatable. Tons of tv situations like this they pretend they arent rich when everyone knows a person in that position would be. To the other poster id say if the show wasnt at least semi successful it wouldnt of lasted so long. She would of made some pretty good money if this was a real show that lasted so long. It is one of those tv things where they ignore reality to make a character seem more relatable.
She's a writer/producer, though; it's not like she's the on-screen talent. It can be very surprising how little people get paid in the business. I once read that Will Ferrell was paid something like $350K a year at the top of his time at SNL. That's a lot of money to the average person, but that's not "show biz rich". Most people on SNL get paid a lot less.
Oh trust me! She's loaded. I used to live on the Upper West Side (notoriously known to house a ton of celebs) and her apartment is on Riverside Drive...a VERY pricey area. I used to walk up and down Riverside because it's beautiful especially with the Hudson River right there. 99% of the buildings even have doormen. And her apartment is huge so it's got to be in the $7,000-10,000/month range.
Nope, I'm referring to the character Liz Lemon. Lemon's apartment is on Riverside Drive in the show (forgot the exact address) which is the very pricey upper west side. Then when they showed inside her actual apartment and it being HUGE and very luxurious-looking (by NYC standards), Liz Lemon's gotta be loaded or else she would definitely not be able to pay rent on that apartment. Even if she bought it, it would be way above the million dollar price range.
And remember, she bought the apartment upstairs from her as well. Plus Jack has chided her for pretending to be poorer than she actually is. Show-runner for a network show produced in New York. That's at least a mid six-figures job, probably more.
She's not loaded because she was supposedly a lowly writer/producer type before she created the fictional "TGS" and hasn't been earning the big bucks that long.
Practically anyone living in NYC is wealthy compared to most of us outside of it. My cousin was living in Manhattan working as a waiter making 6 figures a year, but his place was smaller than Liz's. It's super expensive to live there.
I think people also say they aren't rich if they don't have a lot of money after living expenses. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't make that much extra after paying rent.
- Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.