Plot hole
I realize this is pretty high into the geek zone of the nitpicker scale, but that's what these boards are for: shameless geeking out on a show's details.
A random thought I always had was regarding one of the latter-series episodes where Jack is looking for a new protege to replace Liz. He comes up with an acronym of traits that spells out "dick"—and the D stood for Drive. Jack went on a bit about how much drive–quite a bit, it sounded like.
And that's what stood out to me, cuz: Liz never seemed to be that driven. Was she into her show? Yes, but that could also be read as circumstantial since, as it was well documented, she didn't have much of a social life. Also, Liz even confirmed her (lack of drive) once, when Jack pressed her: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" And she divulged: "Realistically? Teaching improv to seniors on a cruise ship."
I just felt like in this aforementioned episode, they conveniently made it out as if Liz was such a prize for a mentor, with "drive". Keep in mind, in this episode Jack does exalt a list of virtues to a pretty high degree, of which as I said: Liz didn't seem to ever live up to!