made me mad

i like keria she was the best character in that annoying movie

the guy her husband i forgot his name doesnt deserve her,

its like he married keria a great girl pretty, nice, school teacher pretty saint mary and its like the girl of his dreams than he has to be an a-hole and go back to japan in search of whoever that girl is meanwhile keria dies (very sad) and the ending its a little ify.... but im still kinda mad.

whats your thoughts?


Yeah it made me a little mad too. The lead guy needed a solid smack around the head. It paints a rather sad picture of human nature that he married the girl he loved, only to waste the little time they had together risking his life running off to Japan to chase after a woman he never even spoken to. Of course it was only once it was too late he realised how stupid he's been. Sad story that made me fairly cranky.


I haven't read the book, but from watching the movie... Perhaps he didn't deserve Kiera's character since he was stuck on his fantasies. I think everyone has fantasies of places they have once been and people they once admired, but they usually don't let it control their feelings towards others, specifically loved ones. I think it was sort of a sad tale of being blind to true love due to fantasy. In the end, I do think he felt great love for her, but it was too late.


my thought is he wanted somethin other than this mess of a women


You only get one life, might as well make sure you explore all opportunities while you can I guess.

Unless you're one of those poor souls who think you can't care for more than one person at a time.

The guy was an idiot for sure, but neither of them were much more than vague plot points. There was no depth or value in the story really, beyond the simple tragedy, and that's what left me disappointed. I felt like the movie went nowhere and I was left waiting for the story to actually happen.


I think it's a male-oriented film.
