MovieChat Forums > Inkheart (2009) Discussion > You Guys Wanna Know a game my sister tau...

You Guys Wanna Know a game my sister taught me for these message boards?

She found it on the Harry Potter boards. wut u do is u make a wish and then somebody else will grant it and screw it up some how. then they make a wish. i'll start. i wish Inkheart was out n the U.S.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


ok not sure if i got the idea of this right.

I grant your wish.....

Inkheart is out in the US but all the dialogue is in Latin!

My wish is that i can fly


ya u got the hang of it. wish granted. but then u crash into a windmill.
i wish i knew dustfinger.
Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


The game is called corrupt a wish

Wish granted, but he hates you.
I wish people would keep coming up with wishes.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly



Wish granted, but you hit your head and get amnesia so have no idea who you are or that you are rich and have millions of dollars.

I wish that i had a photographic memory.


wish granted. but u get hit buy a bus and hav 2 hav a brain transplant.
i wish miley cyrus would stop singing.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish granted. she stops singing but still the her voice and songs wont get out of your head and you slowly go mad!

I wish Adam Sandler would grow up and act his age



Wish granted, but every moment of your life is pure agony.

I wish I had a mountain of chocolate.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but you develop an food inolerance to chocolate so cant eat it and are forced to watch as it disappears as it's eaten by other people.

I wish Elmur Fudd were elected as the President of the USA.


Wish Granted, But Elmur fudd gets a desease and turns into a cookie. All of his relitives turn in to cookies and they begin eating themselves. During weddings, during government meetings, even during us being bombed by Obama. Out of anger the American people began to eat Elmur Fudd.

I wish that everyone on these boards would actually check out the website that I have been telling them to check out!

My skin is frigid & pale,my eyes are gold and black And Im enemies with a wolf pack who amI?


Wish granted, but the website died.

I wish I could see more pictures from Inkheart.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but they are posted online encypted so they are just a mass of pixels that make you squint and give you headaches.

I wish it was Christmas everyday!


I did check the website out. Not sure what to make of it


Haha. Yeah if you go on there now and read the new blog (ok its 2 am) I'm ZackFSCIR. I'll be hosting the new forum website so people can still talk while he is gone to the haunted dredge.

Wish Granted, But somebody found that out and time teleported to bethlehem and Assassinated The Virgin Mary two days before baby Jesus was born thus deleting Christmas from ever existing.

I wish that my running today does not make me more tired than what I am already.


I still haven't worked out if it's a book or a DVD that is coming. I'm totally thrown by it.

Wish granted. you go running and are less tired at the end of it becaue after 2 minutes running you fall and break your leg so have to stop.

I wish camels could breakdance.


It is a book that is accompanied by online videos to help you understand it more. some dude made a conspiracy site about those videos being real. thats wut that sites about.

Wish granted, But the camels got severe arthritis.

I wish that I can talk with my Xbox 360 and she became my best friend and we got married.


Wish granted. but an xbox 360 disease spreads around were if u leave it on 4 more than 3 hours it blows up. u r informed of this not early enough. i wish my cat would just stop getting mad at my dog and be friends with him like he wants 2.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish Granted, But your friends start getting mad at your cat and begin peeing on it every day.

I wish I were invisible.


Wish granted, but nobody can hear you or feel you either, so you're completely shut off from the world.

I wish was able to read things and immediately memorize them.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted. but u get a bad brain freeze and hav 2 go 2 the emergency room. the only way 2 stop it is 2 giv u a brain transplant. i wish i could become a silvertongue.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


by the way inkhearttriderlorde my cat never goes outside and my friends don't come over often enough 2 pee on her everyday. i don't even liv n the same neighborhood as most of my friends.

Buddy the elf, What's ur favorite color?


Then why would you wish for your cat to stop being mean to ur friends?

Wish Granted, But you get in the same predicament as mo... and it does not turn out well for you.

I wish i could crap massive blobs of spaghetti.


no i said i wish 4 my cat 2 b friends with my dog

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish granted. but birds try and peck at ur sphagetti maker givng u skin cancer.
i wish i had an iphone.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish Granted. But all iphones turn out to be bombs... and it explodes in your back pocket while your listening to music.

I wish I knew how toothpicks are made.


Wish granted, but that's all you know in life.

I wish bananas were striped bright colors.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted but you get an infection in your eyes and you end up seeing everything in black and white so can't see the colours.

I wish wrestling wasnt fake


Wish Granted... then you die...

I wish I knew how to become a giraffe.


wish granted. but then lightning hits u thus making urself a giraffe 4ever. i wish i had a harmonica made from gravy.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted... then you ate it...

I wish I was invisible........... ^^



Wish Granted... but then you accidentally shape shift into an drastically autistic woman while you are asleep thus taking away the ability to think about shap shifting back. and you wonder helplessly and naked around the whole wide world for the rest of youtr life until you starve to death or get hit by a parked car.

I wish I get my psp today.


wish granted but when the delivery guy brings it 2 ur doorstep and sits it down and accidentally breaks it. when he doesn't want u 2 kno he replaces it with a cheap knock-off he bought with a coupon.
i wish everything i drew came 2 life.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but they turn to ashes after a few seconds.

I wish the weather was nicer.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granyed. but the sun is so hot ur neigborhood turns 2 ashes. how about that?
i wish i had a time machine.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish Granted... But you go back in time to where somebody wished for the weather to be nicer and it was then the thing tat happened to almond happened to you.

I wish I Am The Morgan did not mispell Granted... because you spelt it Granyed.



Wish Granted! But it is an evil genie and he kills you then flies away to terrorize humankind and monkeys.

I wish I was married to Mr. Darcy!

~And the World will know! And The Journal, too!~


wish granted but people on the message boards notice that ur probably a girl considering the fact that ur wish was that u were married to Mr. Darcey. They find out more information and track u down and kill u.
I wish a mountain of mashed potatos. oh ya and gravy. i live in a part of the world were mashed potatos r like the best food ever.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


They track me down based on the information i'm a girl? rofl!

Your wish is granted, but sadly you are soon eaten up by the people in your part of the world.

I wish that I was a Teen Titan!

~And the World will know! And The Journal, too!~


Wish granted, but an arch-villain kills you right off.

I wish I had a pet elephant.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly



Wish granted, but the world was only peaceful for a day.

I wish I could eat candy as much as I wanted.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but your teeth stick together so whilst you can eat as much as you want you are unable to open your mouth to eat it.

I wish the world stopped rotating and started to bounce about instead.


Wish granted, but it breaks so many global rules that we all explode.

I wish January 23 would come sooner!

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish Granted! January 23d comes, but then we hear that Inkheart has been pushed back AGAIN and will be opening August 18.

I wish I could eat anything I wanted, and never get fat.

~And the World will know! And The Journal, too!~


Wish Granted! But you end up eating EVERYTHING leaving you homeless, friendless, and alone. But still skinny...

I wish Neil Patrick Harris was my gay best friend for always. :)

"The world is a mess and I just... need to rule it."

-Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


Wish granted, but then he dies of AIDS the next day.

I wish I could travel the world.

I caught myself smiling for no reason again today and realized I was thinking about you.


Wish granted, but you're blind.

I wish I could see millions of shades of orange.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but your eyes go into overload and then you can't see colour at all.

I wish that martens had horns. :)

I caught myself smiling for no reason again today and realized I was thinking about you.


Wish granted, but the they outlaw horned martens because parents are complaining that their kids keep getting poked in the eyes by their horns. They end up all dieing off from being over-hunted...

I wish I could meet Brendan Fraser and that he would be very nice (so no "he'd be mean to you" stuff)...

these are funny :)


Wish granted!

Brendan ends up being SO nice, that is gets really annoying after awhile, and you go crazy and run away screaming.

I wish Britney Spears would be a good mom.

~And the World will know! And The Journal, too!~


Wish granted, but her kids die.

I wish that people could fly.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly

reply it possible for him to be too nice? if he was SUPER NICE he'd end up acting like his character "Adam Webber" and that'd be fine with me :D

wish granted. But then the death rate would increase because of crashes and it would be illegal.

I wish I could compose my own music.


wish granted, but it turns out you have no musical talents whatsoever and they throw rotten tomatoes at you.

I wish I become a surgeon.


wish granted, you are a surgeon but on the way to your first day of work you get permanently blinded by a freak solar eclipse and you can't work anymore.

i wish i could pass the biology exam i just wrote.

supernatural+blood ties+smallville=life
RIP Heath Ledger


wish granted but u find urself as a student n the classroom and hav 2 repeat all of high school. i wish there was a 4th Inkheart book.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Y'know what....Wish granted. Uncorrupted.

I wish I could eat chocolate chip cookies right now!

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted, but you turn out to be allergic and blow up like a balloon!

I wish I had enough money to buy the book breaking dawn (twilight series).


Wish Granted- But it turns out they suck.

I wish Christy would marry Dr. MacNeill

~And the World will know! And The Journal, too!~


Wish granted, but it ends in divorce.

I wish chocolate could be treated like money.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted. but then people rob u of all ur chocalate.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


since you didin't write one i am granting your SECRET wish to win the lottery.

so wish granted you win the lottery, but so do 5670 other people and you have to split the money. sorry about your luck.

i wish i could own a wii fit(this game is deff. fun) :))

*TWILIGHTER* charmed+desperate housewives+supernatural+blood ties+smallville=life


Wish Granted, but you die of fatigue from playing for 10 hours straight.

I wish that I could have unlimited wishes.


Wish granted, but all of them are corrupted.

I wish I had a never ending supply of notebooks.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted but they take up so much space that they drown people and ur the last surviving man on the face of the earth.

I wish a cartoonist wpould come 2 me and make all my cartoons into hit tv shows.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but your cartoons become real things and all the villains in your shows come after you.

I wish I had a horse.

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, but your horse talks and is very annoying, like Donkey on Shrek.

I wish we had more snow so I could ski.


my cartoons come 2 life! sweet! wish granted but u fall off the ski lift.
i wish i could c Inkheart 2night.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


You see Inkheart, but it's a terrible movie and the theatre starts on fire before you can see Dustfinger's first appearance.

I wish that I could fly.

"It's beyond my control."



Wish Granted but he hates u.
i wish my sister would admit pink isn't manly.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but NOW she thinks purple is manly, and convinces the president to pass a law that says that Purple is The Man's Color, and every manly thing must be colored purple.

I wish that when I see Inkheart tonight that it's amazing.

"It's beyond my control."


wish granted but then u find out tht all ur friends r going 2 c it now and u hav 2 wait. I wish that every body on here knew that i'm getting read 2 go the the 2:05 showing of Inkheart. Woohoo!

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but everyone's really jealous so they burn down the theatres around your house, and you have to wait until they build a whole new theatre to see the movie.

I wish my brother would pick up the phone!

"It's beyond my control."


wish granyed but when he picks it up he yells at u and says he hates u 4 telling everyody about how he never picks up the phone.
i wish they hadn't made so many changes 2 the movie.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but you're suddenly struck with amnesia and can't remember why you cared about some silly movie with Paul Bettany and Helen Mirren, and can't remember reading Inkheart so it's all for not.

I wish Dustfinger was my husband, and that he loved me unconditionally.

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, but a Silvertongue sends him back to Inkheart, and you never see him again. So sad.

I wish to be an all powerful deity.

Gûr nîn linnatha ir tirin in felais 'lain Aman.


Wish granted, but then the power goes to your head and your underlings rise up and overpower you, banishing you to the underworld.

I wish I had a lifetime supply of beef jerky, and that it never made me sick or aything like that.

"It's beyond my control."


wish granted but while it doesn't make u sick it still gives u bad gas and evrybody hates u.
i wish people wouldn't keep arguing even though the point that they were wrong was proven and addressed way long ago.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish granted, but because you wished this the world implodes and you're not around to enjoy the lack of pointless arguments.

I wish I had a lifetime supply of free drink cards from Starbucks.

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, but Starbucks goes out of business because of the poor economy.

I wish all of my enemies would turn into mushrooms.

Gûr nîn linnatha ir tirin in felais 'lain Aman.


wish granted, but then you find the overwhelming need to eat these mushrooms, and they turn out to be a rare species of poisonous mushroom that no one's discovered and you die a slow and very painful death.

I wish that my writer's block would go away.

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, but everything you write has been written before and you're labelled a plagiarist by the literary community.

I wish that magic was as real as science.

Gûr nîn linnatha ir tirin in felais 'lain Aman.



Wish granted! You can turn back time can only turn it back five minutes every five days.

I wish I could dance.

The sentence after this one is false. The sentence before this one is true.


wish granted, but u dance and dance and dance and dance until u forget to eat or drink and you end up starving to death.

I wish elephants could talk.



Wish granted! You can speak every language ever, can never speak the same language as the people around you when there's people around you.

I wish I had some chocolate milk.

The sentence after this one is false. The sentence before this one is true.



Wish granted, but you get to be in several places at once by having your body torn apart by rabid squirrels.

I wish I could go see Inkheart again.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but a 5 year old chair kicker sits behind you and a smelly fat man sits next to you with a year's supply of popcorn, which he noisily chews with his mouth open and on your other side Inkheart's greatest fan recites every line, 1.5 seconds before the actor does, creating a strange echo effect.

I wish wishes were fishes.

Gûr nîn linnatha ir tirin in felais 'lain Aman.


wish granted but but since they're fish and fish can't liv inside a computer they die, your computer smells bad, and we can never play corrupt a wish again.
i wish pigs could fly that way when i ask something nobody can say "When Pigs Fly"

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but u get jabbed by a unicorn.
i wish pokemon were real.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


They are real, but you get killed by a Charizard.

I wish that more people liked Inkheart. I know I did. :(

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, it gets millions and billions of fans, but can't get rid of a few haters that every movie has to have.

I wish I could eat something right now.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted, but all you get to eat is a moldy apple.

I wish I could get a car.

"It's beyond my control."


Wish granted, but it doesn't work.

I wish I could throw objects farther than a mile.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted, but while trying out your new skill, you hit someone on the head with the projectile you're throwing and get arrested for assault and battery.

I wish I could dissapear, just for a little while.

"It's beyond my control."


wish granted but when u dissapear somebody doesn't c u while ur on the road and u get killed.
i wish i had some hot chocolate!

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Wish granted but then all the cologne and perfume companies go bankrupt and start an angry mob after you and you have to live in hiding in a trash can forced to eat the remains of food in empty cans and bottles, making finger puppets from banana peels to entertain yourself until you slowly go mad.
i wish that monkeys could break dance with birthday cakes on their heads.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Wish granted, but all the food you summon is rotten.

I wish I could go to Paris and have a nice time and come home safely and not have the plane explode or any of that nonsense.

"It's beyond my control."



Wish granted, but all the wishes are horrendously corrupted.

I wish I could fly like Buzz Lightyear.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Wish granted but you foegot to recharge your power pack so can only fly 2 inches above the ground for 30 seconds and then your power pack blows up so it was your only ever flight.

I wish I was born a girl not a boy

(I can't wait for the reply to this one LOL)


wish granted but then you get made fun of for the fact that ur a girl by ur friends who u had when u were a boy.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


i wish i had a video camera.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but your video camera gets used for child porn by your creepy neighbor and you're convicted as an accomplice because the camera is insured under your name.

I wish James Blunt was my boyfriend.

"It's beyond my control."


wish granted but he dumps u. i wish i had a copy of Fenoglio's version of Inkheart.

Fenoglio-I feel like i've given birth!


Wish granted, but you develop the power of a silver tongue. As you are reading the Wizard of Oz the Tin Man's axe appears and your copy of Fenolio's version of Inkheart disapears.

I wish up was down and down was up.


wish granted but when u throw down from eating some bad sushi u hav 2 crap it out. i wish i had some chicken pot pie that wasn't expired or underdone.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish grated,but as son as it comes out of the oven it gets hit by a ray gun that makes it grow much larger than you and you find yourself being sucked inside it's steamy gooey hot inside where you get stuck inside and drown in the chicken pot pie gravey stuff on the inside and get burned to death because it's so hot =)

I wish i could play the intro to crazy on you on acoustic guitar.

"I'm gonna make this pencil dissapear..." 8 )


wish granted. but that's the only song u kno.

i wish i had a kickboxing purple kangaroo that could make mashed potatoes.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish granted. the kangaroo goes to wallmart to buy boxing gloves, but get interupted by ronald mcdonald , who gives his the job of potatoe peeler. : )

I wish was the king of the world!!


wish granted but aliens come and attack leaving everybody to look to u 2 c wut 2 do but sense u hav no idea everybody gets eaten except 4 u who gets put into an alien zoo.
i wish i had an oblong hot dog.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but it's made of someone's pet that died three years ago.

I wish I could have a quesadilla to eat.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


Hmm, I guess I never went to summer camp enough - this still seems like a cute game to me.

Poof- you've got your quesadilla but it's filled with rotten goat's milk cheese.

I wish they'd make the sequel to City of Ember, People of Sparks.

What hump?


wish gtanyed but they suck. i wish i could get a full scholarship into harvred law school when i turn 18.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted but you get into Harvard Law in the new Proctology Malpractice Law Program.

I wish my house would sell...

What hump?


Wish granted, but it sells for a horrible price.

I wish that inks would dry faster on paper.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted, you write some thing inappropriate, the teacher finds out and you won't be able to smudge in time.then she gives you the evil eye for the rest of the year.

I wish i was the president of sony.


wish granted but u get fired.
i wish my dog wouldn't bark at innapropriate times.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but it's because he's dead.

I wish it were sunny more often.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted but your constantly sounded by scary things so you have to see them longer

i wish that sienna guillory did resident evil extinction instead of eragon



wish granted, but this is the dumbest f'ing game I've seen in my life. Who the F let all these M's out of the mental hospital.


dude you forgot to make a wish, oh well i will have to just make two wishes now :) .





wish granted but you blow up from ur "general smartitude"

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


i wish i had a pork chop

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


wish granted but the pork chop is part of a living pig who kills non-vegetarian people.

i wish i could grant my one wishes



wish granted. but people bag on u 4 mispelling "own-one".
i wish i had 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 dollars.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but you can't spend it.

I wish calendars were as light as feathers.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted but because of their almost zero gravity they never stop floating.

I not drunk think you as i am


i wish i knew the answer 2 this riddle "What is red in the summer blue in the winter and smells like cheese all year long?"

I not drunk think you as i am


wish granted, but then you begin to turn red in the summer, blue in the winter, and smell like cheese all year long.

I wish Heath Ledger hadn't died.


wish granted but u die instead. i wish kittens could cook good and healthy food.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am


Wish granted, but the kittens are also physchopathic killers.

I wish a tablecloth would fall out of the air for me to use.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly


wish granted, the tablecloth turns out to be alladin's magic carpet, which slaps you every time you sit on it.


i wish i was a movie director!!


wish granted but ur movies suck. i wish everyone wasn't such a critic.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am



wish granted but then it gets worse again.
i wish i had a copy of the thief lord dvd.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am



Wish granted, but they break down too easily.

I wish it wasn't so dark outside.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly



wish granted but evryone hates u now since American Idol got canceled.
i wish that people would help with the "100 things i learned from Inkheart" post.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am



Wish granted, but instead, the boards are swarming with mindless idiots saying pointless things.

I wish next time I dye my hair it will turn out lighter.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly



wish granted but the gym blows up.
i wish Jeff Dunham (comedian) would come 2 my town.
Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am



wish granted but u hav 2 wait 4 42 hours 4 the previews b4 the sequels start.
i wish people didn't get so cranky.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not drunk think you as i am



wish granted but ur all the tv's break and u may nevr watch it again. i wish one of my stories would get published.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not as think as you drunk I am!



wish granted but they bring it back. i wish that emily osment had gotten the roll of hannah montanna and miley cyrus had never even gotten famous.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not as think as you drunk I am!



wish granted but the video games suck.
i wish people would keep their big mouths shut when they hav an unkind comment.
Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!
I not as think as you drunk I am!



wish granted but they turn butt ugly. i wish i had pery jackson and the olympians book five the last olympian.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



change their mind about wut? wish granted but evry-1 starts getting daymares. i wish i knew wut dannygarcey ment wen she said "they change their mind".

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Wish granted, but you had to get rid of your entertainment system for storage space, so now you have nothing to watch them on.

I wish I were a baller.



Wish granted, but it's a silly holiday about celebrating the combination of toenail clippings and old sponges.

I wish I could type as fast as Superman.

Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly



Wish granted, but your typing accuracy drops to 3%.

I wish I had less money.



since the game isn't comtuing and clearly that last person hasn't made a wish i'm granting their imaginary wish to hav the world's best luck. then evry-1 finds out u hav the best luck and want 2 hang out with u. i wish nothing bad would evr happen to my dog. EVER!

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but wendy's runs them out of buisiness. i wish i had a mountain of CHOCALATE!

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but evry1 disagrees with u about everything. i wish i hadn't had such a crappy day 2day.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



no wish?

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but she divorces u and runs off with ur best friend. i wish they were making inkspell a movie.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but global warming floods all of california. i wish dog's could fly.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Wish granted! She got her divorce and the marriage, but she turned out to be a black-widow. Hard Luck.

I wish I could meet the lovely Angelina in person.



wish granted but u hav 2 pay 4 it and u do not hav enough money 2 buy the horse.
i wish someone would invent smart pills with no side effects.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but the cookies are so crumbly they are practically inedible

i wish i could run for 100 miles without gewtting out of breath



Wish granted but you die during the celebrations.

I wish I had magical powers.



wish granted bbut that day is the last day of ur life. i wish i had a better memory.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



dannygarcey, I was answering yours about being made a planet before. People were celebrating that it had been made a planet.

Anyway, wish granted, but you brake your leg and are stuck inside all the time.

I wish they make a friends movie.

'Let's Capture The Dream'

Blades of Glory



wish granted but u lose all ur patients as a doctor, become a criminal urself and die n a fire. i wish ancient greek people thought the gods they worshiped were worshiped as superheroes so now when u talk about them and it doesn't go against ur religion.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but the aliens take over. i wish i had a wish.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted, but u get really fat.
i wish that there was a magic telephone that would allow people 2 talk 2 loved 1s n Heaven.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted, but when u play them they get that thing where it randomly pauses and the picture turns 2 a bunch of block things. i wish that life was startoverable.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but the pick up trucks are made with a strange newly discoved metal and when it comes in contact with human skin it causes it to grow cress out of every hair follicle lol. i wish that to go to another country you just had to draw a chalk door on your wall like in pans labrynth and step through

"I dont know about angels, but its fear that gives men wings"



wish granted. 1 day a customer comes n with a really old car. while ur fixig it it backfires and shoots u at some gasoling, then ur still going as fast as possible and u run n2 ur microwave u wer making ur lunch with. as barney fife would say "blooey". i wish people didn't swear. it's so rude.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted. but evry1 hates u and envys u! i wish that vnfopa23j0920m0c-x88*(*(^%$%^ was a word.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but the favors always backfire. i wish i had some buffalo wings.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but it came so early it came 2 days b4 ur post so u missed it bcause u mad the wish 2days afterwards. i wish my dog was feeling better.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but u die! that's wut u get 4 doing that 2 my dog! :P i don't really care how u die, u just do! i wish i could c my cousins 4 my birthday.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



WiSH granted, but you turn out to be a pornographic film maker!!, I wish i could fly!



wish granted, but ur house is hit by an earthquake. i wish 4 world peace. surprised that 1 hasn't been used yet.
Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted but u have a heart attack. i wish i had an iphone. sorry if that 1 has been used b4.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted, but the future is affected VERY BADLY! i wish i had gotten more sleep last night.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



wish granted, but no1 buys it, and the stocks r sent back b4 u can buy it. i wish the tragic tragedy i just heard about hadn't happened.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!



Wish granted, but they are only available in their French locations.

I wish chocolate was healthy for you....


Wish Granted, but chocolate becomes the rarest, most valuable, most expensive thing on earth.

I wish all the mosquitos would die out.

"This is a job for....STUPENDOUS MAN!" - Calvin





Wish granted, but you care so much less your mind loses all function.

I wish my hair would grow past my shoulders.

Signature must be fewer than 100 characters in length.



You prove they exist, but only for a short time, as it was a transfiguration spell put on a poodle and a kitten, and after awhile they changed back.

I wish the Deathly Hallows Part I was out right now.



Wish granted, but the cure for stupidity gives everyone a rare and contagious disease, and everyone (including you) dies.

I wish I knew what happened to us after we die.

Truth be told I miss you.
And if truth be told, I'm lying.



Wish granted, but the price of potatoes goes up by 1000 % so all restaurants starts making their french fries out of prunes instead :)

I wish I lived in Middle-Earth :)



hehe had to do this again...

Wish granted, but everytime you try and watch it your DVD-player explodes :)

I wish I had bigger sofa :)



wish granted, but then they have fights over silly stuff like their favorite colors. i wish the inkheart movie had been more like the book.

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted! For 2 hours you watched a dvd of pages of paper, one after the other, presented to you on the screen, just paper pages with text on them...

I wish they'd make a sequel to Inkheart!


Wish Granted. But due to the recession all cinemas go bust which results in all film companies going bust which means that the sequel is never released.

I wish I could write a best selling fiction novel.



You just wrote a book titled "George W Bush: A real american Patriot"

I wish I was the worlds best lover!


Granted - but you are so unattractive and have such bad halitosis no-one will let you try! ;-)

I wish that there were more good family movies that I can watch with my kids.


I wish that there were more good family movies that I can watch with my kids.

Granted! Unfortunately half way through you realise that you accidentally taped over with a 'special' video and scar your children for life!

I wish Michael Bay had never directed Transformers...



I love this...It's HILARIOUS!!!

Wish granted, but then Bill Gates develops "Bill-ray v2009" and every single TV on Earth only uses that format.

I wish my husband looked like Ryan Reynolds.

BIH Michael Jackson. The world is a little safer for kids now.


Wish granted,but he ran away with another woman
I wish i was a rock star !


Wish granted, but then rock meets the same fate disco did, and you fade into obscurity.

I wish my house was self-cleaning!

BIH Michael Jackson. The world is a little safer for kids now.



wish granted, but everybody who likes weddings, hates you, and burns down your house, kills your friends and family, and inject a virus in you that gives you a slow, painful, excrutiating death.
i kno. i'm evil. that is why i wish to rule the world!

Jasper? Oh Hale yeah!


Wish granted, but that virus you injected the last person with was incredibly contagious and there is no one left in the world, so you are the ruler of none. . .

I wish chocolate wasn't fattening and vegetables were bad for you.

'I shall pray for your soul.'
'I shall wait for your shoes.'



Wish granted, but now the animals have escaped and taken over your mansion. It smells from elephant poop and the lions have "marked" their territory.

I wish for no more wars

I'm not a stalker, I'm just the way you're out of milk.





Wish granted, but your Video Game is actually a corrupted file and damages the game console completely

I wish that the Doctor from Doctor who existed and chose me as his companion :)




Wish granted- The next Sims 3 expansion pack will be released today and someone will personally deliver it to your home. But you will have to wait an eternity for love, success, enlightenment, redemption and all other things important.

I wish I could invent a device that would destroy auto-tuners forever!
