Toronto International Film Festival
I just saw the premiere screening of this film tonight and am curious to find out what other viewers thought of the film.
Personally, I didn't think that the film was bad, nor did I think that it was very good. I felt the same way after viewing this as I did after SAW. It had an interesting story, with some great scares and gore, but it didn't add up to much. The performances were average, but the writing, direction, cinematography and editing were mediocre. And I had the feeling while watching it that people around me were thinking the same thing, but then when the lights came up and it was time for questions and comments, it became evident that people had enjoyed it more than what I thought they had. So, I'm here to ask what others thought of this movie, as I obviously was not on the same page as the rest of the audience.
Also, there was a rather loud exchange between some audience members over someone laughing, but I wasn't close enough to hear exactly what was going on. Did anyone else hear this?
And for those who stayed for the Q & A, what was with the guy who made the "alien" comment? Did he sleep through the last scene or something?? Was he even watching the same movie as the rest of us??
Also, did it bother anyone else that the director wouldn't answer the questions about the budget? I mean, many people in the room were probably filmmakers or aspiring filmmakers for whom these things are a genuine concern and are trying to learn from other filmmakers acheivements. Although I didn't think it was a good movie, I still commend the director for pulling it off and was also curious to know how much the movie cost. If ever there's a time and place to talk about such things, it's at a film festival like this one.