New Line
by Jim Ridley (04.22.07, 6:39 PM)

Good news for Nashville horror nuts. After getting begged last night for additional screenings of End of the Line—the scariest movie this horror fanatic has seen in years—the Nashville Film Festival has added another show 10 p.m. Monday.

Word should spread fast. The NaFF audience went wild for this smart, dark-humored and sick satirical shocker about subway passengers under siege by a religious cult on a killing spree—a throwback to ’70s horror that will thrill fans of cult faves Rabid, The Crazies, God Told Me To and Raw Meat. Director Maurice Devereaux seemed delighted by the rowdy reception he got: shrieks and cheers throughout, followed by one of the most enthusiastic Q&As thus far at the fest. You'll be hearing more about this one.
END OF THE LINE (10 p.m.) A religious cult uses premonitions of the apocalypse as an excuse to start a kill-spree in the Toronto subway. Silly? Sure. But damned if Maurice Devereaux’s slick little gorefest isn’t genuinely scary as well, with a twisty script that throws in a few devilishly ironic reversals. End of the Line is no genre classic, but at least it has more in common with the fun, cheesy thrills of 1970s drive-in movies than with the torture porn in multiplexes now. Plus the “who’s really righteous” needling provides a necessary corrective to the rote good-vs.-evil tripe of The Reaping. Devereaux will attend the screening. (Noel Murray)
