"4/5 very creepy and a lot of fun"
Threading Up the 2007 Victoria Independent Film and Video Festival
Victoria Film Festival - dig it:
by Jason Whyte
Is it that time of the year already? It seems that just so little of time ago it was February 2006 and I was closing the books on a sweet little film festival in Victoria, British Columbia and was already looking forward to what the next year in indie-cinema in Victoria would bring me.
End of the Line (4/5) – Think of a zombie movie where the terrors are not the undead but rather religious zealots. A flick with a lot of dark comedy to spare, Canadian filmmaker Maurice Devereaux gets a lot of mileage out of the idea of casting religion as horror and the inescapable Toronto subway tunnels as a group of non-religious-conformists (read: humans) fight their way out. Some bad acting and dialogue aside, it’s all very creepy and a lot of fun.