MovieChat Forums > Attack Force (2006) Discussion > This really isnt that bad!

This really isnt that bad!

Alright compared to Seagal classics such as Nico, Hard to Kill and Out For Justice this doesnt even come close, but in my opinion it is one of the best ones since Half Past Dead. Yeah its got the dodgy voice overs (not only on Seagal this time either) but thats got to be down to the low budgets and rubbish film makers, its obvious in this one that they've changed entire sections of dialogue but not bothered to re-shoot?! But apart from that it's not a bad film at all, it makes sense where alot of his recent films havent, its got some classic lines in it from Seagal that made me chuckle, and its full of bloody violence. What more can you ask for? lol
I hope the next few films that come out are as good if not better than this one, I'm really looking forward to Prince Of Pistols, Andrzej Bartkowiak is usually quite reliable and should bring out the best in Seagal.

Oh by the way, just booked tickets for Seagals tour with Thunderbox in March! Woo hoo!!


Im' happy you were content with this film, though i could not agree. The dubbing is only the beginning for me. Being a serious fan, i can only see this movie as being his worst movie. Really i think this and Belly of the Beast are really his only bad films because BOTB has the most obvious body doubles in history, and the ridiculous wire-fu "martial-arts" are simply horrible. Attack Force is horrid. One fight in the beginning and one fight againts a woman are not going to cut it for me. Plus, going easy on the girl only pushing her is not cool at all.


LOL, Leb318, you

a) Are either a plant from someone at Sony who's come on this board because your boss told you to, or you were in someway responsible for this monstrosity and are trying to make up for it,
b) are being held at gunpoint by Segal's people...or maybe even Segal himself, and being forced to type what are clearly lies.
c) Are on drugs.

Which is it, I'm curious? This movie was terrible...TERRIBLE!

- - Clark


He's probably just a fan and fans are obviously going to be a little more bias then others. I'm a fan too. I also liked it. Sue me.


This movies was ass without a doublt steven segals carrer is over and its been over for a long time. He beats everyone down and everyone acts so afraid of him he's a complete ego maniac.


""This movies was ass without a doublt steven segals carrer is over and its been over for a long time. He beats everyone down and everyone acts so afraid of him he's a complete ego maniac. ""

Well said. *I* am a fan, but how can one say a movie is good when the main character's voice is horribly dubbed with someone who doesn't even sound like him! It was horribly put together, and I'm sure even the crew/producers know that. This is a terrible movie...the ACTION, yes may have been 1/2 decent,
BUT overall, the movie is terrible!

- - Clark


I heard the reasons for the dubbing this time around had more to do with studio tinkering than anything else. Someone didn't like the original storyline which involved aliens and so instead of shooting new scenes, the already shot scenes were still used just with completely new dialouge dubbed in. It's unclear how much involvement Seagal and Joe Halpin, the credited writers of the screenplay, had in the changes or if they approved.

Even so, I enjoyed Attack Force for some strange reason. It was definitely silly, but I had fun watching it. I'm a fan, what can I say. Plus, the dubbing wasn't nearly as bad as it's been before, like in Submerged.
