This movie was great.

I'm convinced there's a conspiracy against Steven Seagal movies now after seeing this.

This movie is not bad. The fighting is a little non-technical. The music is good, the plot is good, the camera work is good, the acting is good, the concept is good. Lisa Lovbrand is sizzling hot. Wow.

The voice over is not the entire movie it's just a little for Lisa and Steven in sections where the ambient noise was too great for the mic and it was a wash. They re-did the audio on those parts.

This movie is on par with Black Dawn, which wasn't bad either.

People who don't like these movies are I would hypothesize are either repeating what other people think rather than thinking for themselves or are just filled with no reason or feelings.

"I would have thought watching your TV shows were torture enough."



i sure hope you guys are joking



havent seen it yet, but I will. and it's true that us seagal fans have an appreciation for these movies which transcends idiotic "he's fat" name calling.

....back of the net.


I think you'll find that the reason many people are so judgemental of his films is because they are seagal fans. in fact their probably bigger fans because they can appreciate the real seagal action hero from his earlier films and see how much he is apart from these films.


Oh yeah, I'd agree with that, All I'm saying is, true fans are the ones who can critisize his recent movies without resorting to name calling and stupid childish behaviour

....back of the net.


Quite right, i agree that there is no need for name calling, but i think some people have a point and just tend to put it in a crass way. regarding the fat statement from others, i agree that He's overweight and can only presume it has effected his performance, i dont mind him being an overweight action hero, i wouldnt even mind if he was 80 years old, just as long as we see raw Akido action in his films, but in my opinion and it is just an opinion, its got a bit sloppy with action and editing. which makes me not appreciate his latest films, but still regard his early work as some of the best action films i've seen. and i think this is what bugs most people and also to passionatly overstate there regret with his later movies.


Not what i expect from Seagal 2-10 did anyone else notice the big boo boo with the last fight scene-- her scar goes from right to left then a few seconds later goes from left to right then it changes again then agaian ...I do hope there is still some good films left in Seagal but lets wait and see


Airing one's dislike of the script etc. in Steven's movies is quite ligitimate. It's the big fat this or that that he gets called that really angers me. That is quite un-necessary, and un- acceptable.


Why is it "un-acceptable" to state that Seagall is fat? The man purports to be an action movie hero; he should therefore at least try to appear as if he has the strength, stamina and agility necessary to kick the crap out of the bad guys. But he doesn't; he is clearly overweight and that is why he wears an oversize coat throughout the whole movie and moves very very slowly. The man is a fraud. Pointing out that he is fat is not name-calling. It is simply to point out his obvious deficiencies as an action movie star. It's perfectly appropriate.

Oh, and the words "unnecessary" and "unacceptable" are not hyphenated.


lol i love how he's always wearing a big coat to hide is could be a scene in a hot desert and he'd still be wearing a coat. Also they always shoot him in shadows or tight closeups of his face to hide his double chin,

"Wait a minute, I know what my fortune is, it's partying!"


Well said. I went looking to buy a copy, but could only get one to rent today. Watched it three times, loved every bit of it. That's nothing new, I have 20 of his DVDs, and I know almost all the dialogue in each story and I still get a thrill from playing. You see,I'm what's known as a die hard Seagal fan, he can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. And in any case,the main thrill for me, is to see him in different settings,the story line is a bonus, and I've always enjoy the plots anyway.The folks who come on here making references to his size, are sad little no-bodies who would make the world a better place if they all dis-appeared. Steven is a star, an icon, and as far as his fans, ones like me, are concerned, he's a god and always will be, whether he's as skinny as a rake,or remain the size he is. personally, I like him a little bit filled out. He strikes a more imposing figure. Love you lots Steven, the Magnificent One.


hi-lola use limewire or what ever to get it PLEASE DONT WAIST YOUR MONEY ...and i am a SEAGAL fan


Keithnelson, thanks for the tip buddy, but you see, I'm not a mere fan like you say you are, I'm a Seagal addict, in spades. Besides, I'd already acquired a copy of Attack Force, and need I say it, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You must understand you see, as long as Seagal is in a movie, even if it's just for 5 minutes, (as in the case of Clementine), I just got to have it. as of today, I own 21 Seagal's DVDs, and I intend to collect every one he's ever made. I'll tell you, the only problem I have with his movies, is that wretched dubbing. Why, oh why do they do this? It' just got to be the fault of the guys behind the scenes. I mean , even in the middle of a sentence when talking to his second in command in AF, granted, he was a little bit off camera, but he told Dixon to "go check out that titty bar" in a different voice. Now Steven is not to blame,I'm sure of that,they know he speaks softly and it's up to them to allow for that in these productions. He stands where the director directs him to stand,right! I love everything about him, including his voice. Somebody, do something, please.


You sure have bad taste Lola. Wow, it's sad reading your posts and realizing you take enjoyment in that old and fat Steven Seagal's crappy straight to dvd movies. You must have low standards in entertainment just like in your life. Go back to your hole. Now!


"Well said. I went looking to buy a copy, but could only get one to rent today. Watched it three times, loved every bit of it. That's nothing new, I have 20 of his DVDs, and I know almost all the dialogue in each story and I still get a thrill from playing. "

Lola sweetheart. Thank you for this confession. Now who is the obsessed person?

"You see,I'm what's known as a die hard Seagal fan, he can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned."

The freakiest thing anyone can say is what you just said. Blind devotion to a person and believing TRULY that they have no flaws.

"The folks who come on here making references to his size, are sad little no-bodies who would make the world a better place if they all dis-appeared."

While I might not be famous, I am now completely reassured that I'm a healthier person than you on any and ALL levels. Your shameless flaming at that other guy got me riled up a bit though so I decided to check out your posts. Funny how everything you accuse the other guy of you display proudly in this post.

Also, a little holocaust for everyone that disagrees (or even mentions the mans size). Great ideals. You're a real rolemodel.

I really dont see whats detrimental about being a "no-body". Is fame some sort of measure of a person? You think a famous person is automatically more intelligent than a not famous one? I'm not sure what you are after when you say "no-body". I'm sure as hell not famous myself, but does that make me a bad person? or "worse" than Steven on some freaky deaky scale?
Being a no-body is what most people are, it doesnt make them worth any less?
What are you on about?


I think the reason people don't like this film is because it's crap. There is no specific point which you can say is particularly crap, all of it has no redeeming qualities at all. It's not funny, It's not entertaining and the almost non-existent plot is also a mess. Oh and as an added bonus they also dub quite a lot of his scenes and throughout many of the talking scenes he is in a dark room where you can't really see his face.

Basically it's a film that looks as if they have run out of funding and decided to change the plot midway through from an alien story to whatever it is now, and could not pay Steven to finish the dubbing to change the plot.

They should have just scrapped the film, or got some more money to actually finish it.

I like the way at the end the cuts and stuff on their faces swapped around from scene to scene thats quite cool.


watching this movie stoned is the best!


Someone needs to stone Sea Gull for making such crap!

I just watched it and am returning the rental to the video store tomorrow and getting a refund.


Ill be ashamed to admit i loved this movie, i look back now and see so many issues (that annoying voice over being the main one). I enjoyed it from start to finish, maybe its just because im a seagal fan, but ill admit whenever a movie he makes is awful, like clementine...come on now not a stevey fan boy, but this movie was great action for me.

I know take me out and shoot me!


I've watched every Seagal movie made. As an avid martial artist(including Aki-Jitsu, a parent form of Aikido and Ju-Jitsu), I have always taken a great deal of pleasure in watching his films. His movies have degraded a great deal over the years, any fan knows this, but this latest film is hands down the WORST seagal film ever made. I would never have guessed that any movie staring this man could be so bad in every respect! It is truly a shame that such a great action star has come to this.
