The alien plot

Why didn't they just go with the original alien plot? They're allready making cheap and cheesy action movie, why not make fun one while they're at it.
They're doing the same $hit over and over again, NOBODY wants to see that ex-cia agent crap anymore.
You have low budget, you have b-grade production quality, make a silly alien movie for crying out loud.


Because the producers didn't think Seagal fans would accept the alien plot and didn't want to take the risk of trying something new. But because of their complete stupidity and lack of effort they simply changed the plot and re-dubbed all the voices to make it a different movie entirely. Well I hope their happy because at least if they kept the alien plot it might make the top 50 rentals on its first week.

If I ever meet one of the producers of that film I am going to kill them with my bare hands, in public if I have to.


What was 'the alien plot' they were going to use?
However bad or cheesy the producers deemed it, it couldn't have been as sub-par as the final product.


The alien plot was actually in the film. I mean ''the queen'' - WTF was that all about?


It really WAS an inexplicable decision. I just watched the entire movie quite thoroughly and it is OBVIOUS that there was originally an extensive "alien/vampire" story. I mean the cat's eyes, the superhuman strength, the fact that the addicts all used special weapons, not to mention that the entire finale takes place in a very gothic, very Dracula-ish cathedral--all of that would fit perfectly into a sci-fi/horror movie. And when you pay attention to when Seagal's voice is dubbed, you see that it's always at a point when they needed to change his references to the alien/vampire conspiracy to one about a simple gang (or whatever--the "alternate" plot was never really clear).
It is dumbfounding to me that the producers would decide to make such a major change after the film was completed. The American version of Jackie Chan's "Accidental Spy" went through a similar change of plot, but that was because the American producers wanted to change it to fit American tastes (or so they thought). In the case of Attack Force, however, it was the same producers f-ing up their OWN product! Unbelievable.

I for one think that there is a very servicable Seagal flick buried under all the crappy editing and ADR. At least no worse than his other DTVs out there. In it's current form, though, this is one of his worst to sit through.

The producers ought to "double dip" this one and release the original story as a brand new movie.
