MovieChat Forums > Attack Force (2006) Discussion > Good Things About Attack Force

Good Things About Attack Force

The supporting cast are nice looking and can all act. None of them over-act either in a way that makes Seagal look even more stupid.

Some great squib work.

The cast list is huge. The credits list is huge. Would you deny talented people a chance to work?

Nice locations. Very good production design.

Nice cars.

What they did to the blonde leads voice was quite clever.

Overall this movie is a mess. But at least its not a big-budget mess where all the critics try and con you into paying for rubbish.



"Looks considerably bigger budget than it is"

What do you think the budget really was, and what budget do you think it looks like?



There's no way this movie cost 12 million. A lot less than that probably.


-DVD fits well in a garbage can as well as a toaster

-DVD can be used as a cup holder

-DVD can be used as a freezbee or a chewtoy for your dog..

ok ok I'll be fair.. I think it's been pretty much covered but great scenery, good supporting actors, some hot chicks and nice cars.. thats it


You can watch it for free on youtube. Of course, that's precious time wasted from your life.
