MovieChat Forums > Deal or No Deal (2005) Discussion > When Howie talks to the banker.

When Howie talks to the banker.

Even though I know nothing's being said I like to think that the banker is trying to make Howie laugh by telling racist jokes and innuendo.


Like, how many caucasians does it take to change a lightbulb? Causasians don't change lightbulbs. They either 1) buy new houses, 2) hire an illegal alien, 3) outsource it to China.


3) outsource it to China.

Bad idea. No offence, but they can't make toys properly over there, so who knows how bad it might be with light bulbs?

"Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight."
- William Shatner, "Star Trek 6"



i think Howie can come up with his own comedy lines


What do you mean isnt Howie talking to that guy in the booth? Whos is he anyway and how does he figure out so fast what the offer should be?

I'll Shout It Everywhere I go, I Love You Barry Manilow!


What do you mean nothing is being said? They talk you just cant hear him. Im sure Howie isnt making things up when the banker has a comment, and im double sure Howie isnt able to calculate the odds for a offer.


I'm sure the banker is giving him the offer. Well, maybe not "the banker," but somebody. That would be pretty impressive if Howie was coming up with that himself, even though he must be intelligent to have such wit!
