Why no one will win the million (in the standard format)
This is why nobody will win a million dollars.
1. First, you must choose the million out of 26 cases by a random draw.
2. Then you must be willing to play to the end of the game to open your case. How many people on the show have actually played all the way to the end of the game? 3 or 4? On top of that one of those few people would have to actually have the million dollars. So the odds right there are pretty slim.
On top of that, the only justified way to play your case to the end is if it comes down to the 750,000 dollar and million dollar case. So say the deal was 825,000 dollars. You have the odds to continue and go for the 50/50 at 1 million. Even if it came down to 500,000 and a million as the last two cases, odds would force you to take a 750,000 deal. Now tell me what are the odds of that. If it were 1 million and a low amount as the last two cases you Have to take the deal.
Picking the million dollar case.
Playing the case to the end of the game.
Not taking a deal if it came down to 50/50 with 1,000,000 and 1 cent.
I would guestimate those odds at about 1 in hundreds of thousands maybe millions.