
Hahaha you really didnt win 1 million, after taxes its like 954,000. Everything is bigger in Texas, hopefully the taxes are too.


I'd be happy with like $954,000. Hell, I would've been happy with $200,000. That's life changing money.

Cook's Crue #94
Why so serious?


$200,000 is NOT life changing money. How old are you, 14?


Wow, rude much? If you invest $200,000 wisely, it can change your life. For me, it would easily pay off my student loans and my car, and I could still have over $125,000 left, which I would put into a savings account, and use it as needed. Not having to pay for student loans and my car, I could put the money I usually use for that into savings, giving me even more money. That's a pretty nice security blanket. I don't know what you're on, but for several people, $200,000 could easily change their lives. Maybe you're just not very frugal with your money. Maybe you don't have to be. Maybe your life is much easier than mine, which is why $200,000 doesn't seem like it could change your life.

Cook's Crue #94
Why so serious?


The only way $200,000 can change your life is if you open up a CD account and do not touch it for 10 years.



Lol I know, same for me. Apparently some people think $200,000 is small change.

Cook's Crue #94
Why so serious?


It only takes about 5 years of full time work to make that 200,000.


Yeah, and if I could get 5 years worth of salary in one day, it'd be pretty life-changing.

Cook's Crue #94
Why so serious?



Why are you working at McDonald? You're better than that. Nobody deserves to work there.




actually it's approximately 40%.. 1 mil would leave you with ~$600k



Hahaha you really didnt win 1 million, after taxes its like 954,000.

You wish. Don't know what kind of math you're using, but you're not even close. She'll pocket around $600,000. Maybe a little less. Remember the first guy to win on "Millionaire"? He worked for the IRS and pocketed around $650,000 only because he knew every loophole he could use to increase his take. This woman will probably not be as fortunate.



But not all states charge 40% California can charge up to 55%


$200,00 may not be life changing money but it's still a lot of money. think about what u can do with $200,000. u can pay ur bills, ur student loans, pay off ur house, ur car... i will be very happy if i get $200,000
