The syndicated/daytime version (spoilers)
I think I just saw the first DOND daytime. 22 cases, top prize is $1/2M. Pace is faster, one contestant completes a game in 1/2 hour. A lot less dawdling. They don't do the family-background thing like nighttime does. I don't recall seeing the family at all. Same music, set, graphics, banker.
A wheel/ball (roulette) chooses a case for you, but you can switch it if you want. The first two contestants didn't switch.
The folks manning the cases are ordinary people, like you'd see in the audience. Mixed, males and females, and definitely not 'models'. Each case has the person's name under it. The case folks are only there for a week, it would flummox Howie trying to memorize their names.
First contestant took the deal for $105K with 3 cases left, and hers held $5K. Second contestant broke the 'no deal' box off its hinges, but the show must go on and they didn't repair it during the break.
Second contestant? Our local station runs 2 shows, one after the other, from 2-3P. I don't know if that's the standard package or not. Is that what you get? Each half hour is freestanding, so it could be sold either way. But you'd have to wonder what happens to the alternate episode a half-hour station doesn't subscribe to.
Oops, he just knocked out the 1/2M, but still has the 1/4M. $32K offer--audience boos--no deal. $1, $1K, and 1/4M left. Offer $37K, and he takes it. His case was $1K. Happy endings. That's what TV is all about.