MovieChat Forums > Deal or No Deal (2005) Discussion > Now THAT'S How You Play 'Deal or No Deal...

Now THAT'S How You Play 'Deal or No Deal'... (Nov. 3rd, 2008)

Call Out And Open All The Cases In A Round At The Same Time...

"Update The Board" More Quickly...

Put A Clock On The Banker's Offer Decision (if "Millionaire" can do it, so can "DoND")...

Cease And Desist With All Those Commercial Breaks At Crucial Moments...

Reduce All That Prattle To A Watchable Minimum...

Dump The Host In A Big Chocolate Cake...

What Could Possibly Make This Show Better Than Tonight's Episode? (not counting Million Dollar Wins)

Take A Hint, NBC.

Happy 200th Episode, "DoND". Dessert's On Howie.

Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6


It's like they figured out people were fast-forwarding the show, so they did it for us. Now that they've done that, how can they go back?

In a way, it was a better dinner show at the slower pace. You could eat and not miss anything.


Agreeable, plus I think that the show could bring their audeience back if they kept this speed-up format. It would be more deserving for them to tweak the show since most of them are swithching to the syndicated version which is growing but not by much.

Jack returns with the 2 hr 24 movie Sunday November 23rd at 8 ET/PT-7 CT/MT on FOX!
