Now THAT'S How You Play 'Deal or No Deal'... (Nov. 3rd, 2008)
Call Out And Open All The Cases In A Round At The Same Time...
"Update The Board" More Quickly...
Put A Clock On The Banker's Offer Decision (if "Millionaire" can do it, so can "DoND")...
Cease And Desist With All Those Commercial Breaks At Crucial Moments...
Reduce All That Prattle To A Watchable Minimum...
Dump The Host In A Big Chocolate Cake...
What Could Possibly Make This Show Better Than Tonight's Episode? (not counting Million Dollar Wins)
Take A Hint, NBC.
Happy 200th Episode, "DoND". Dessert's On Howie.
Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6