Time To Dump Those Misleading NBC Promos
Time to get rid of those annoying promos that open the show (and sometimes air midway through), I think. "Stay tuned for the ending you cannot miss", "This contestant goes for the big money", etc. etc. Last time Joe Cimpriano said "Stay tuned for the ending you cannot miss", didn't that contestant simply knock out the last remaining large amount and leave with $10 or something?
NBC is notorious for misleading promos. For example, if you believe NBC's promos that the new Christian Slater series "My Own Worst Enemy" is NBC's newest hit, you might want to read this.
http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/entertainment_tv/2008/11/twili ght-rob-pa.html
(scroll down to "Briefly, in Other TV News")
NBC confirmed this news last night, and it is now being reported by numerous other sources as well.
Now tell me if you trust NBC's promos.
Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6