
I can't believe people actually think you walk away with 1million dollars. Don't people realize how much taxes you pay from this? By the time you pay all the taxes and othe fee's you end up with like half the money. Look at all the lottery winners out there. There was a 231million dollar winner and by the time he payed taxes he was left with like 11million dollars. Anything over $500 in winnings is taxed so if you will 1 million you end up paying like half of it in tax and walk away with like 500 thousand.

by solesister "get thee to a nunnery!"


If you come to think about it, $500,000 is not bad at all. That's enough to pay off your student loans, bills, and other things.


ginger, u r lousy at math, u do not get 11 million dollars after 231 millions dollars..
