My All-consuming Suicide
I was fortunate enough to be able to catch the first screening (& Q & A with the cast) of My Suicide at the SXSW Film Fest. I didn't know what to expect of the film at all, and after being completely 100% thrashed and blown away by it, I still find it hard to describe. I do know that I can honestly say I have NEVER had so strong a reaction to a film as I did with My Suicide. My emotional equilibrium was off for at least two hours afterwards as I digested the piece-don't get me wrong; I'm grateful to have been so overwhelmed by it.
It's intense. It's hilarious. It's in your face and punchy. It's honest. It's raw & enormously well put together at the same time. I choked and cried. I laughed out loud. My heart and head didn't have time to stop and think or digest until after the movie was over.
Gabriel Sunday is a complete genius. A prodigy. A miracle man. I can't imagine someone else bringing Archie to us the way he managed to. This guy is going to be going places. Big places. I'm sure. He deserves it, and the world deserves mass quantities.
What can be said? I've heard little to no criticism, which goes right along with my belief that you have to love this film unless you have no soul. I feel pompous in saying the film touched on so many of my own feelings and thoughts about the state of the world from teenage years to now.. instant gratification, 'me-me-me-ism', needing the respect of your elders before being able to grant it to them, etc, etc, etc. How many times have I said I wouldn't want to be a kid nowadays for nothing - for exactly the points presented in the film? Life is hard, and only good could come of My Suicide becoming a cult flick for today's youth. It opens doors for communication without glorifying suicide. I imagine it will give kids the words they've been looking for to explain their place in this world...somehow with crazy amounts of humor. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.
Viva My Suicide!