It Doesnt Make Any Sense???

I havnt seen the movie yet but i heard online and stuff that Megan was supposed to go to New York,but instead she got put on a plane to Los Angeles,Now it said in the show that they live in San Diego,well i live in the suburbs of Los Angeles and I know for a fact that it is only like an hour drive from san diego,why would people be flying from San Diego to Los angeles if they could just drive?? and why would the airport be wasting money on like a 5 min flight??



Actually, the Megan thing seemed a lot like what happened during "Home Alone 2" when Kevin gets on the wrong flight and ends up in New York. Of course, he kind of used a power technique saying how rich his dad was...but...kind of the same. As I think in both movies they were playing characters about the same age. Just a thought I had. Two kids stuck in a big city...with some type of cash.

Billboard on the side of the road: Keep your eyes on the road and stop reading these signs.


Umm i live in austin and people fly to houston and dallas all the time even tho its like a 15 minute flight...its not that unrealistic
