Rehab couldn't 'cure' them
It was sad that all the girl's stories ended still struggling. Although I've never understood why anyone would expect a stay in rehab would "cure" you. I was anorexic/bulimic for many years (a long time ago, when I could tell people I had mono and get away with it, it wasn't talked about in the late 70's) and it took a VERY long time to wipe it completely from my life. I was down to 102 lbs (I'm 140 now and still considered a slim person). I went into binging for the next ten years, at the worst vomiting 6 times a day, and VERY gradually dwindling down to a couple times a year, with different frequencies in between, until finally I could live without it. I can't imagine stopping cold turkey and look up to anyone who has done that. But they should know relapse does NOT mean failure. I really believe relapse can be part of the healing. Best wishes to all who are struggling.