New research on anorexia
Scientific American posted an article a few weeks ago about some new research being done into anorexia and how it might affect the brain (and, specifically, the brain's reward system, which might explain why people with eating disorders get a feeling of satisfaction or euphoria sometimes from purging or starvation). The article can be found here:
I'm posting this for two reasons. One, I hope at least some of you out there who suffer from eating disorders might read this and take some hope from the knowledge that you're not alone, and that you don't have to suffer alone and in silence. I also hope that someone out there (even if it's just one person) who thinks eating disorders are a media creation might read this article and realize eating disorders are not artificial. They're not just high school cheerleaders all trying to be a size 0. They are actual diseases and their victims should not be written off any more than we would write off someone suffering from cancer or ALS or schizophrenia.
An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral.