
Was some of this staged? It seemed like the fact that the camera just happened to be there seemed convenient. Or did they actually ask girls if they were going to do certain things before they did them? Like when Polly purged in the bathroom...did the camera crew just follow her in? It seemed odd that she didn't care at all that she was being filmed throwing up.

Or when Alisa kept changing her clothes. Did the camera crew ask her about that or did she just keep doing it and they just filmed?

I also thought it was odd that they filmed therapy sessions. Even if everyone agreed to let it happen (and in terms of the group ones, it seemed odd that every single person gave consent), what reputable therapist would let it happen?

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I don't think it was staged.

But I think that some of the girls had attention-seeking issues.. and having cameras around brought that out of them.

I would be mortified to ever have a camera taping me throwing up (I used to be bulimic), or trying on all the clothes and everything. A lot of people with EDs are ashamed of their ED behavior. But I really got the sense that Polly and Alisa liked the kind of attention and pity their EDs elicited.. hence why they did that stuff in front of cameras.



I don't think it's staged, but the thing is that not just fictional films are extremely edited. I do agree with the one person saying that some of these people are attention seekers, but it's important to realize not everything you see in a documentary is the whole truth. Editing and leading questions (not seen so much here, but in other "documentaries") can sway the viewers' opinion without giving the entire story.
