I am 32, the mother of two children aged 5 and 9, and I am a size zero. I eat like there's no tomorrow...I'm a big pot smoker (hidden from my children) and I cannot gain weight. I've always been this way, my doctors have always told me I have a super high metabolism, like that of a humming bird. My daughter is the same way, at 9 she weighs 52 pounds and no she doesn't starve herself either, she's not aware of body issues.
Maybe instead of poking at us skinny girls and saying "I don't believe you" you should realize that there are girls who have just as much trouble gaining weight as you large girls do with losing weight. I know just how many haters are out there, and most of it stems from pure jealousy. Jealous at the fact that we can eat all the crap we want and not have to count calories and hit the gym to get rid of cellulite. Oh but don't worry we thin girls don't get all the men, just the best looking ones who don't like women who are as big as them if not bigger, there's still men out there who like you fatties. Sling stuff at us thin girls and we'll sling it right back.
B.T.W. My best friend of 18 years is a fattie, I really couldn't care about how big a girl is, but when you start picking on us out of spite and jealousy, I'm (we're) gonna call you fatties. Not something I like to do, but I fight fire with fire. At least we're comfortable with our own bodies and don't feel gross and disgusting in a bathing suit or tight clothes. Real women don't have giant guts hanging over their jeans, so please stop trying to make the world think that we should all be at least 130 pounds or more. That's just not the norm. You can say "Well my significant other thinks I'm hot" but guess what he's probably the only one. Because I'm so thin I don't have many girlfriends (I wonder why) and therefore I have always had a circle of guy friends and they talk to me just like one of the guys. Men are the ones who started mooing and snorting at you, not us girls.
*There's a difference between women and girls, and it's not age*